2023 Competitions and Events
There are numerous Mortem et Gloriam competitions and events taking place in 2023. An up to date list is maintained on the MeG Forum.
UK and Ireland Maximus 2023 Competitions
Feb 11/12 Beachhead BIC Bournemouth. Late Medieval . https://entoyment.co.uk/…/11-12-02-23-mortem-et…/
Feb 25/26 BHGS Badcon Greece v Persia at War 670-357BC. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/…/badcon-2023-wargames…
March 5th Kent Clash One day. Hoplites and Pike at War. New Beacon School Sevenoaks (Peter Cross)
March 18/19 Toil Darkage. Boards & Swords Derby. Early Medieval pdfs. https://www.boardsandswords.co.uk/…/derventio-iii-30th…
April 1/2 Rollcall Magna 28mm Open comp https://www.bhgs.org.uk/roll-call.html
April 22/23 Preston. Moor Park Social Club, Preston. Medieval theme.
May 13/14 Campaign Team Event Milton Keynes. Teams of three. Theme 1 – Armies of Enemies of Edward I. Theme 2 – Armies and Enemies of the Vikings. Theme 3 – Nellie the Elephant (Elephant armies).
June 3/4 Outremer and Reconquista; 1096 AD to 1291 AD Battlefield Hobbies. https://www.battlefieldhobbies.co.uk/our-events/
June 24/25 Â 2023 Asiamaniacs Irish Nationals competition (mortem-et-gloriam.co.uk)
June 24/25 MAGNA Event Battlefield Hobbies 7000 points Details TBCÂ https://www.battlefieldhobbies.co.uk/our-events/
July 15/16 Devizes ClassicalCompetition.
August 11/12/13 Britcon. Nottingham. Open Competition.
September 16/17 Chariots of Fire Biblical. Competition. Boards & Swords Deby.
Oct 7/8 Skullrollers Open Competition. Battlefield Hobbies https://www.battlefieldhobbies.co.uk/…/skullrollers…/
Skullrollers Worlds 15mm Mortem et Gloriam Maximus Maximus 10,000pts entirely open – any army from any list. Sponsored by The Plastic Soldier Company |
Oct 28/29 Derventio Classical Competition. Boards & Swords Derby.
November 11/12 Warfare
December 2/3 Ribble Rumble Element Games Stockport. 10k Theme TBC
Pacto 2023 Events
March 25/26 PACTO Skulls Classical. Battlefield Hobbies.
July 8th PACTO (One day) Battlefield Hobbies
Outside the UK 2023 Events
Jan 21-22 1350 CE + all Books IWC Brussels Belgium
March 4-5 1000BCE-1000CE + 1 tug Elephants CHANIER France
May 6-7 OPEN BORNEL Paris France
May 27/28 3000 BCE – 450 BCE (+ All in America) European championship ATHENS
July 19th to 23rd Historicon USAUK MEG Events Guide 2022