Event DetailsVenue: Battlefield Hobbies, Daventry, UK Maximus 10,000pts entirely open – any army from any of the 2024 published list PDFs.
Lists available for download from the MeG website -
https://mortem-et-gloriam.co.uk/meg/ EDIT: After review we will be allowing flats at SKULLROLLERS events including this is one.Playing for the magnificent 54mm Roman diorama World Championship Trophy.
Be the fourth name one there after John Munro, Richard Jeffrey-Cook and James Hamilton.
11 prizes to play for:
Best painted army
Best terrain piece
Best Camp
Most generals killed
Most generals lost
The Bloody Baron (highest total score of self and enemy)
Wildest moment (most epic craziest dice roll or card draw)
Shoulders of Atlas (bottom of the table)
2 x 3.15hr games per day:
Saturday 0930-1245, 1330-1645;
Sunday 0900-1215, 1300-1615.
List checker: Simon Hall lists to be provided in the 2024 Army Builder (please send full spreadsheet not just the print page) and due in by Friday 27th September. simon@CCC-games.co.uk
Tickets from -
https://battlefieldhobbies.co.uk/our-events/Ticket includes a packed lunch each day, please notify us of any dietary requirements
Organiser: Simon Hall – Author of Mortem Et Gloriam .
email simon_h@CCC-games.co.uk