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Author Topic: Refight: Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC. MEG Pacto - Solo.  (Read 1421 times)


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Refight: Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC. MEG Pacto - Solo.
« on: April 19, 2020, 08:13:42 AM »
Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC
A clash between Thebes and Sparta

In the year 362 BC, on June 27th (or the 4th of July), near Mantineia a city of Arcadia, the Spartan army under the command of Agesilaos tried to stop Epameinondas who was leading Thebans and their allies.

Opponents at the beginning:
At the first deployment, the Thebans were paralleled with the Spartan lines. They had a small force of peltasts, horsemen and 'hamippoi' (men fighting together with the cavalry) in front of them as a cover. Epameinondas ordered his troops to turn left and move diagonally to the north-west . During this manoeuvre Epameinondas wanted to strengthen his left flank without letting his opponents know that he was using the same trick as he had in the battle of Leuctra.
When the first companies (lochoi) reached the slopes of Mount Mytikas, he ordered them to put down their weapons and the rest of the troops to continue their march behind them like they were going to camp. The opponents assumed that the Thebans wouldn't fight that day so they began to dismiss their lines. Suddenly, Epameinondas ordered his entire army to turn to the right. The mixed troop of cavalry, hamippoi and psiloi (mainly Thessalians) occupied the small gentle hills which were at the left of Athenians in order to threaten their left flank. The Theban cavalry at the left wing and the strengthened Theban phalanx now had the shape of a sharpened wedge.

The 1st phase of the battle:
Epameinondas ordered his cavalry to attack which was a shock for his opponents. At the left, the Theban cavalry attacked the Spartan and Elian horsemen defeating them quickly. At the same time the Thessalians surprised the Athenian cavalry who then retreated in an orderly fashion, leaving the Athenian infantry's left flank unprotected.

The 2nd phase of the battle:
There was now a chance for the mixed troops of cavalry and infantry (deployed on the hills) to attack the Athenian flank. During this very difficult time, a small Elian mounted reserve, attacked and blocked the Thessalians successfully covering the Athenian infantry, saving them from the disaster. On the other side, the Theban cavalry withdrew to their left and right leaving the field free for the advancing Theban phalanx which attacked against the Mantineians and the rest of Arcadians.

The 3rd phase of the battle:
After the battle with the Mantineians, Theban hoplites took advantage of their position, however, the right wing of the Theban Army was now in trouble. With a counter attack, the Athenian calvary killed many of the soldiers who had fled the hills and forced those remaining to retreat.

The 4th phase of the battle:
The critical moment in the battle had now arrived. The Thebans were dominating the left wing. They advanced and broke through the Mantineian lines, forcing them to retreat. This affected the Spartan centre which also began to retreat. At that moment Epameinondas was mortally wounded and he was transferred far away from the battle. His soldiers immediately stopped the pursuit and began returning as if they were defeated. On the battlefield, both sides were now embarrassed.

Final phase:
Finally after much hesitation, the Spartans asked for a truce, so, according to Greek custom, the Thebans won the battle and had the right to raise a 'tropaion'. Epameinondas asked for the results of the battle, and then asked if his shield was safe. When his escorts informed him of the death of both officers Diofantis and Iolaidas, he advised the Thebans to make peace with the Spartans. Lastly when his friends told him that he was leaving childless, he answered: "I' m dying, leaving you two immortal daughters; Leuctra and Mantineia".

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The game

The result
It was a bloody hell! A great victory for the Lacedaemonians and their allies. They did much more than I expected. Their Athenian Allies and the Elean cavalry reserve, dominated their left flank.
Two Theban generals were killed and one was wounded. Thebans had very bad dice and also very bad cards.

Thebans lost 5 TUGs and 3 SUGs.
Lacedaemonians lost 4 TUGs.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 08:43:16 AM by godzeusgr »
Kostas Konstantoulakis


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Re: Refight: Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC. MEG Pacto - Solo.
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2020, 06:25:39 AM »
Excellent report, thanks for posting!


  • Auxilia
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Re: Refight: Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC. MEG Pacto - Solo.
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2020, 07:36:43 AM »
Excellent report, thanks for posting!

Thank you!  :)
Kostas Konstantoulakis

mad lemmey

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Re: Refight: Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC. MEG Pacto - Solo.
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2020, 11:45:44 PM »
Nicely written report.
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Re: Refight: Battle of Mantineia, 362 BC. MEG Pacto - Solo.
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2020, 12:26:02 PM »
Kostas Konstantoulakis