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Author Topic: 2020.01 Errata  (Read 1288 times)


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2020.01 Errata
« on: November 20, 2019, 02:43:10 PM »
Official errata

Chariot - Egypt and Hatti - Minoan and Early Mycenaean. Charioteers in Dendra panoply are -/Fully Armoured not Protected.
Chariot - Egypt and Hatti - Trojan War - Achaean. Pylian charioteers are -/Fully Armoured not Protected.

Chariot - Assyria and Babylon - Later Sargonid Assyrian and Assyrian Babylonian.  The chariots have Charge Only bow, so the Shoot & Charge as an optional characteristic is redundant and should be ignored.

Classical - Germany, Gaul and Britain - Early German.  Notes:  Typo. Should be Denmark not Demark.

Classical - Italy - Later Foederate Roman.  Alan allies.  Remove "to 486 CE" as the list ends in 476 CE.

Classical - Syria and Asia Minor - Seleucid.  The list is missing.  The only change from the 2019 list is the Scythed Chariots (see the Pontic list to see how they are classified).

Early Medieval - Byzantium - Later Thematic Byzantine.  Southern Slav allies are not permitted (they ended their independent existence 45 years earlier!).

Early Medieval - Byzantium - Nikephorian Byzantine and Later Nikephorian Byzantine.
Regraded Skutatoi:  Change to
Front rank infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Protected, Long Spear, Experienced Bow, Shield Cover, optional Shieldwall*, Combat Shy.
Rear rank infantry, Drilled Loose, Average, Protected, Experienced Bow, optional Shieldwall*, Combat Shy.
Add to the Notes:  *Shieldwall representing integral Manaulatoi strengthening Skutatoi formations. Skutatoi may not take the Shieldwall characteristic if any Menaulatoi are supporting light troops. Rear rank bowmen with shieldwall are treated as close for combat if behind a base of spears.

Early Medieval - Byzantium - Nikephorian Byzantine
Varangians (from 988 CE) line becomes Varangians (from 988 to 998 CE)  stays as is – Formed Close, Average, Protected, SSp, Shieldwall, Shove with optional ME, 0-18
Add Varangians (from 999 CE) Drilled Close, Average, Protected, SSp, Shieldwall, Shove with optional ME, 0-12.
Re-label "Varangian guard (from 1034 CE)" to "Upgrade Varangians as Rhos or Varangian guard (from 999
CE)".  Drilled Close, Superior, Protected, SSp, Shieldwall, Shove with optional ME, Dismountable 0-6.
Add line "Regrade Rhos or Varangian guard (from 1034 CE)"  Drilled Close, Exceptional, Protected, Long Spear, Shield Cover, Shove, optional Dismountable. 0-6

Early Medieval - Frankia - Breton.  The army can use Feigned Flight characteristic.

Early Medieval - Steppes and Eastern Europe - Rus.  The "Regrade upgraded spearmen" line is redundant.

Asian - Tang China - Five Dynasties Chinese.  If the spearmen are upgraded to Veteran, the archers in the rear rank must be upgraded to Drilled Loose.

Asian - Tang China - Later Shatuo.  If the spearmen are upgraded to Veteran, the archers in the rear rank must be upgraded to Drilled Loose.

Asian - Genghis - Khitan-Liao - Northern Han allies should be Five Dynasties China, not Ten Kingdoms China.

Asian - Genghis - Later Zhou and Early Northern Song. If the spearmen are upgraded to Veteran, the crossbowmen in the rear rank must be upgraded to Drilled Loose. Moved Xi allies from Later  Northern Song List (to match dates).

Asian - Genghis - Later Northern Song. Regraded spearmen from 1067 CE should be Formed Flexible, not Formed Loose.  Moved Xi allies to Later Zhou and Early Northern Song List (to match dates).

Asian - South East Asia - Champa.  Increase maximum number of elephants from 8 to 12.

Asian - South East Asia - Angkor Empire.  Increase maximum number of elephants from 12 to 16.

Medieval - Crusades -  Early Outremer States.  The lines for the "Sergeants and turcopoles" and "Separate sergeants" should be reversed.  The rear rank "Sergeants and Turcopoles" should be Formed Loose, Protected, Superior, Devastating Chargers optional Melee Expert.  The "Separate sergeants" should be Formed Loose, Protected, Average, Charging Lancer, Devastating Chargers, optional Melee Expert.

Medieval - Kings in the North - Jarls of Orkney.  Huscarls should have "Shove" as well as "Shieldwall" as mandatory characteristics.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 02:40:36 PM by lionheartrjc »