I originally agreed with you, Marty, but after playing Burmese awhile I changed my mind. There are times when you want to induce the enemy to charge you, not the other way ‘round. This is mostly when facing drilled close foot or any loose foot. You really want that extra +1 on the charge for having the foot charge you when going in with a mere +2. If you shoot, you not only can’t be forced to charge, you start throwing a few white dice at the enemy every turn, often helping to force him into action. Personally, I think it is worth the extra points, but I admit it’s a close call.
When you rely on elephants for a big portion of your shock power, they really have to win on the charge, or you’re toast. Steps you can take to make that more likely are worth taking, IMHO. SHooting can help that a lot. It does cost cards, though.