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Author Topic: 2025-03-8 & 9, Athens tournament  (Read 366 times)


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2025-03-8 & 9, Athens tournament
« on: May 30, 2024, 08:58:59 AM »
🛡️Athens tournament🛡️

Theme: to be announced
Calling all valiant warriors, seasoned generals, and lovers of ancient warfare!

Format: A two-day, four-game tournament

Date: 8 & 9 March 2025

Address of the venue: Erechtheiou 6, Alimos 17455
Malliaras Schools - "Nea Ekpaideftiria",
Google coordinates: 37.91761, 23.71510

Participation fee: 35€ by Paypal to g.pakos85@gmail.com with your name + MEGAthens 2025. The fee includes breakfast and lunch.

Historical time-period: To be announced

Army lists: must be 10,000 points. The lists must be created exclusively by the latest official army builder (excel or compatible). Don’t forget to fill in the army number and the army name. If there are allies, their units must be noted in the list.

Number of participants: Initially planned for 40, but all members of the community are welcome!

Information: Those who want to take part may sent a message to fasoulasj@gmail.com (John Fasoulas) for questions) or g.pakos85@gmail.com (George Pakos) for army lists issues.
Each player must bring his own dice, tools, miniatures, printed list and terrain.

Time schedule
09.30: breakfast/coffee
10.00 – 13.30: first round
13.30 – 14.00: lunch
14.00 – 17.30: second round

08.00: breakfast/coffee
08.30 – 12.00: third round
12.00 – 12.30: lunch
12.30 – 16.00: last round
16.15: Awarding of prizes

The Steppes and Eastern Europe      
3511   Medieval Alan   NONE
3512   Volga Bulgar   NONE
3521   Cuman or Kipchak   All Allowed after 1230
Tang China      
4419   Uyghur Successor States   NONE
4501   Goryeo Korean   N/A
4505   Xi Xia   All Allowed after 1207
4506   Pre-Conquest Mongol   All Allowed after 1207
4507   Jurchen - Jin   All Allowed after 1207
4508   Qara Khitan   All Allowed after 1207
4509   Southern Song   All Allowed after 1207
4510   Khwarazmian   All Allowed after 1207
4511   Mongol Conquest   All Allowed after 1207
4512   Golden Horde   All Allowed after 1207
4513   Ilkhanate   All Allowed after 1207
4514   Chagatai Khanate   All Allowed after 1207
4515   Yuan Dynasty   All Allowed after 1207
4516   Later Nomadic Mongol   All Allowed after 1207
4517   Early Ming Chinese   All Allowed after 1207
4518   Joseon Korean   All Allowed after 1207
4519   Ming Chinese   All Allowed after 1207
Land of the Samurai      
4606   Sohei Monks   All Allowed after 1250
4607   Kamakura Samurai   All Allowed after 1250
4608   Muromachi Samurai   All Allowed after 1250
4609   Muromachi Peasant Uprising   All Allowed after 1250
4610   Ikko Ikki   All Allowed after 1250
4709   Ghurid   All Allowed after 1250
4710   Muslim Indian Sultanates   N/A
Southeast Asia      
4803   Champa   NONE
4806   Indonesian or Malay   NONE
4807   Nanzhao   NONE
4809   Kingdom of Pagan   NONE
4814   Thai Kingdoms   All Allowed after 1250
The Crusades      
5101   Georgian   NONE
5112   Post Seljuk Abbasid   NONE
5114   Sultanate of Rum   NONE
5115   Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia   NONE
5117   Later Crusader   NONE
5118   Ayyubid Syrian States   All Allowed after 1250
5119   Seventh Crusade   NONE
5120   Mamluk Egyptian   All Allowed after 1250
5121   Mamluk Syrian Garrison   NONE
5202   Kingdom of Serbia   N/A
5203   Second Bulgarian Empire   All Allowed after 1250
5204   Lusignan Cypriot   
5205   Latin Empire   All Allowed after 1250
5206   Nicaean Byzantine   All Allowed after 1250
5207   Epirot Byzantine   All Allowed after 1250
5208   Empire of Trebizond   All Allowed after 1250
5209   Venetian in Greece   All Allowed after 1250
5210   Frankish Greece   All Allowed after 1250
5211   Late Imperial Byzantine   All Allowed after 1250
5212   Despotate of the Morea   All Allowed after 1250
5213   Early Ottoman Turkish   N/A
5214   Order of St John   N/A
5215   Catalan Company in Anatolia   N/A
5216   Catalan Company in Greece   N/A
5217   Genoese in Cyprus   N/A
House of Osman      
5301   Islamic Persian   All Allowed after 1250
5302   Turcoman Beyliks   All Allowed after 1250
5303   Serbian Empire   All Allowed after 1250
5304   Later Hungarian   All Allowed after 1250
5305   Wallachian   All Allowed after 1250
5306   Jalairid Sultanate   All Allowed after 1250
5307   Albanian Principalities   All Allowed after 1250
5308   Moldavian   All Allowed after 1250
5309   Timurid   All Allowed after 1250
5310   Ottoman Turkish   All Allowed after 1250
5311   Kara Koyunlu   All Allowed after 1250
5312   Ak Koyunlu   All Allowed after 1250
5313   Crusade of Nicopolis   All Allowed after 1250
5314   Tatar Khanates   All Allowed after 1250
5315   Black Army Hungarian   All Allowed after 1250
Holy Roman Empire      
5604   Hungarian   All Allowed after 1250
5701   Early Russian   All Allowed after 1250
5702   Early Medieval Danish   All Allowed after 1250
5703   Post-Viking Scandinavian   All Allowed after 1250
5704   Feudal Polish   All Allowed after 1250
5705   Early Lithuanian   All Allowed after 1250
5706   Estonian   All Allowed after 1250
5707   Prussian   All Allowed after 1250
5708   Teutonic Orders   All Allowed after 1250
5709   Novgorod Republic   All Allowed after 1250
5710   Post-Mongol Russian   All Allowed after 1250
5713   Medieval Swedish   All Allowed after 1250
5714   Later Lithuanian   All Allowed after 1250
5715   Medieval Polish   All Allowed after 1250
5717   Later Teutonic Order   All Allowed after 1250
5718   Later Medieval Polish   LITHUANIAN & MOLDAVIAN ALLIES
7201   Sengoku Japanese   All Allowed after 1250
7202   Nobunaga Japanese   All Allowed after 1250
7203   Takeda Japanese   All Allowed after 1250
« Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 05:46:38 PM by godzeusgr »
Kostas Konstantoulakis