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Author Topic: 2024 Lists - Official  (Read 988 times)


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2024 Lists - Official
« on: December 31, 2023, 12:42:32 PM »
The 2024 Army Lists are now published

The lists are available through this link https://1drv.ms/f/s!ArAp9B8LXfHfgd03E4nE95LwbjZP-Q?e=NUUGlb.  It is also available from the website.

The link goes through to a folder containing:

A list of the 2024 changes.
Maximus, Magna and Pacto list sets.
Army builders in Excel .xlsx and Open Document .ods formats.
Sample armies for Maximus (10,000 pt) and Pacto (3,000 pt) for 12 historic battles.

The list of changes document identifies the changes that have been made. Army builders have been updated in both Excel .xlsx and Open Document Format .ods. Some changes to the points system have been made.

The files may be downloaded from the website for personal use only.

To convert a 2023 list to 2024, open the new template and the 2023 file. Copy and paste cells A2 to J2, B5 to G8, E12, J12, A14 to O47, A49 to O64 and A66 to O67.
No updates to the lists will be made in 2025 to provide stability to the game. The history notes will be updated on an ongoing basis - check out the Greece and Macedon (List set 24) or Italy (List set 25) for an example of the improvements we are making. These improvements will be made to all the lists sets, but this might be a two year job!