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Author Topic: Slows in Pacto  (Read 551 times)


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Slows in Pacto
« on: November 21, 2023, 03:40:40 PM »
I have felt underwhelmed by slowing effects in Pacto.  A change I have tried out and found to work quite well is to apply an additional
1 BW slow to Cv, Cm, Ch or EL TuGs.  So a skirmishing/mounted UG inflicting a slow on Cv, Cm, Ch or El UG slows it by 2 BW, a foot UG slows it by 3 BW.  The extra 1BW only applies once.  So if two foot UGs both inflict slows on the same Cv UG it is only slowed by 5 BW, not 6 BW.

This is not an official change but one you might like to try playing.


Richard Jeffrey-Cook


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Re: Slows in Pacto
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2023, 06:13:07 PM »
Interesting, as we have found the slowing effects in Pacto to be very significant as written!