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Author Topic: HISTORICON 2023  (Read 873 times)


  • Centurion
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« on: June 29, 2023, 11:02:43 PM »
The folks in charge have asked me to post a note about MeG events at this year at Historicon. This year, Historicon will be held in Lancaster PA on July 20 to July 24. I am told that Thursday 7/20 will be set aside for PACTO demos in both 15mm and 25mm scales. Ther will also be demos for ReG, the Renaissance version of the rules.

Friday 7/21 and Saturday 7/22 will be devoted to a four round 10,000 point 15mm Maximus tourney. Armies from any official MeG list are OK, and players are asked to get their list pre approved by Nic Gaukroger by next week.Nic’s email address can be found on this forum. Plan on bringing your own troops and any terrain pieces you plan to roll for. Try to bring nice terrain and avoid flat felt where possible.

My understanding is that Simon plans to be present ans will run things with help from Dale Shanek. Feel free to contact either of them with questions.
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  • Auxilia
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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2023, 12:14:11 AM »
Maximus North American Championship
9am – 6:30pm
15mm. 10K pts. Four 3.5-hour rounds over two days. 6’ x 4’
Use online army builder at:
Lists must be submitted by 9 July to:
Round 1 (Fri): 9am; Round 2 (Fri): 2pm; Round 3 (Sat): 9am;
Round 4 (Sat): 2pm.
GM: Dale Shanek & Richard Jeffrey-Cook (simon@mortem-etgloriam.co.uk)


  • TWZ Team
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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2023, 12:55:18 PM »
So far lists in from:

Dale Shanek
Dave Lauerman
Richard Jeffrey-Cook
William Robinson
Dylan Bright
Richard Gagliasso
Francis Small
"The Roman Empire was not murdered and nor did it die a natural death; it accidentally committed suicide."