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Author Topic: Converted Early Byzantine Command Bases  (Read 1004 times)


  • Legionary
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Converted Early Byzantine Command Bases
« on: October 23, 2022, 10:09:33 AM »
I recently put together some simple (but effective?) conversions to create more varied command bases for my Early Byzantines. Since the days of seeing Barry Hilton's Flodden bases and David Imrie's wonderfully well c0nstructed Late Roman era units back in the early 2000's I have tried to present by bases as small vignettes where possible.

For more information on which packs I used from the Aventine Early Byzantine range, what composition I went for and for many more pictures please hop on over to my Just Add Water blog here:

Command Base 1:
A simple repositioning of the arm was all that was needed to make the advancing Skutatoi/Kontaratoi model into an advancing standard bearer.

The Finished Article:

Command Base 2:
The standard on the right was carefully clipped off, filed down and replaced with part of a wire spear. The Draco was easily glued into place.

The Finished Article:



  • Legionary
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Re: Converted Early Byzantine Command Bases
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2022, 07:48:38 PM »
Hi Atheling,

Your figures are beyond stunning, no words can do them justice, :).
Your close-ups are amazing but I would like to see the opposite as well :
Could you publish a picture with your whole army in one battle array ?
Looking forward to the eye-candy.

Keep up the excelent work,


  • Legionary
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Re: Converted Early Byzantine Command Bases
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2022, 09:21:29 PM »
Hi Atheling,

Your figures are beyond stunning, no words can do them justice, :).
Your close-ups are amazing but I would like to see the opposite as well :
Could you publish a picture with your whole army in one battle array ?
Looking forward to the eye-candy.

Keep up the excelent work,

Thanks you :)

I did give it a try but I accidentally knocked the white balance and the images are overexposed.

If you right click, open the image up in another tab you will get the full sized files.

Here's a few pics:

Dismounted Bucellarii/Extra Heavy Infantry Armoured Skutatoi and Two Units of Unarmoured

Dismounted Bucellarii/Extra Heavy Infantry Armoured Skutatoi

Unarmoured Skutatoi ,Attached Torsion Engine and Command Stand

Unarmoured Skutatoi ,Attached Torsion Engine

Armoured Skutatoi and command Base

The Elites; Bucellarii and Dismounted Bucellarii/Extra Heavy Infantry

Dismounted Bucellarii/Extra Heavy Infantry and Armoured Skutatoi and Army General Command Stand


More units have been added plus some buts abd bobs since these pictures were taken. Apologies for the "washed out" quality- I'll take a few more ASAP


  • Legionary
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Re: Converted Early Byzantine Command Bases
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2022, 10:05:57 PM »
WOW !   Thank you.
Also nice Limes wall (or Constantinople?).
Is it possible to put all units in one photo ?

Do you use them for MEG (basing seems not to be MEG standard).



  • Legionary
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Re: Converted Early Byzantine Command Bases
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2022, 10:23:23 PM »
WOW !   Thank you.


Also nice Limes wall (or Constantinople?).
Is it possible to put all units in one photo ?

They're from Tablescape and come pre-painted. They're a bit cheap and cheerful really but they work as a background. The walls are actually very small and more like 15mm in scale really- they're available here:

Do you use them for MEG (basing seems not to be MEG standard).

I haven't been able to play any games at all since March 2020! I'm one of the unfortunates that is at a very high risk from SARS CoV 2 so I just haven't been able to risk it. Obviously I'm going to have to get on with my life- get outside and start living again but there are other issues as well. Apologies for blurting it out on the forum but there really isn't any other way of answering your question.

I have put the bases together so they can be juggles to fit a very base agnostic MeG, imetus, Swordpoint, WAB (still played at lot at the Durham club!), Dux Bellorum and probably Clash of spear though I have yet to give that a try.

Basically, when I'm putting my bases together I'm much more interested in how the miniatures relate to one another then I am in getting the bases the right size for any given rule system. If I were to enter a MeG tournament, which I aim to do, then I would use an army that conforms to the requisite norms with the basing.

Hope that casts some light on my obsession with basing?  ;D