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Author Topic: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022  (Read 1086 times)


  • Legionary
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More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« on: May 07, 2022, 02:40:35 PM »

For more pictures of the miniatures from various angles please hop on over to my Just Add Water blog here:

It took more time than I would have liked to complete this batch (the old Black Dog persisting) but here's the second rank of the Select Fyrd to go with fifth Anglo Danish unit.

This army has been a bit of a labour of love. It must be way over a year, perhaps two since I started to put the thing together! Anglo Danes are an army that I have always wanted to put together with the requisite attention they deserves. It took more time than I would have liked but here's the second rank of the Select Fyrd to go with fifth Anglo Danish unit- the first two ranks of Huscarls can be seen HERE and HERE

Anglo Danes are an army I have long wanted to put on the table going back to when I first faced off against John Glass's (RIP) Anglo Saxons in the heady days of Warhammer Ancient Battles at the Edinburgh club SESWC. Also many a game played at Warhammer World in the 1066 and All That Warhammer Ancient Battles campaign weekend, in particular Big Jim's Mercians, an army that gobbled up my Normans in short shrift! Great days that will always be remembered.

I have six more Select Fyrd mini's to finish n from the six miniatures here before I can start messing around with the composition of the unit. I have tried to make it so that my Anglo Danish units in particular look like they are fighting in a Shieldwall with a nod to some of much of the battle the imagery on the Bayeux Tapestry.

The keen eyed among you you will notice that there is a right old mix of manufacturers. Some very out of production Gripping Beast models going back to when Duncan and Colin were sculpting in Milliput, Gripping Beast models from the early 2000's, and more recent Soapy sculpts also from Gripping Beast. Added to these are Matthew Bickley and Bill Thornhill sculpts from Footsore Miniatures, Colin Patten sculpts from Saxon Miniatures (now sold by Warlord for £18 a pack I have been told!!). There is also a solid nod to Dave Andrews Anglo Danes as featured in the Warhammer Ancient Battles supplement, Shieldwall seen below.


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Re: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2022, 11:59:56 AM »
More wonderful stuff ;D
"The Roman Empire was not murdered and nor did it die a natural death; it accidentally committed suicide."


  • Legionary
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Re: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2022, 12:58:51 PM »
More wonderful stuff ;D

Thanks mon ami :)


  • Psiloi
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Re: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2022, 12:35:39 AM »
Oh those are just some fab paint jobs. 
I've got some of those figures myself, which I've recently retrieved from their storage boxes as Jon Keeling and I sort out what we've got for our own upcoming 28mm Hastings campaign series of battles. Sadly the paint jobs on my models look nothing like these.
BTW if ever you did want to get some of your 28mm Dark Age figures back on the table for a game of MeG I suspect we may be in the same part of the country.  I'm in Milton Keynes, Jon is in Flitwick and we often play at a club in Luton.  Just give me a shout here or on FB messenger if you do.


  • Legionary
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Re: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2022, 12:30:06 PM »
Oh those are just some fab paint jobs. 
I've got some of those figures myself, which I've recently retrieved from their storage boxes as Jon Keeling and I sort out what we've got for our own upcoming 28mm Hastings campaign series of battles. Sadly the paint jobs on my models look nothing like these.
BTW if ever you did want to get some of your 28mm Dark Age figures back on the table for a game of MeG I suspect we may be in the same part of the country.  I'm in Milton Keynes, Jon is in Flitwick and we often play at a club in Luton.  Just give me a shout here or on FB messenger if you do.

Hi Simon,

Sorry, I'm in the North East but if I'm ever down your way there's no reason why we can't pool our resources.

Due to certain medical conditions and SARS CoV 2 I haven't even been able to get to the local club never mind any shows. I spoke to me GP last week and he said wait at least another year and see how things are!  :(  Not at all what I wanted  to hear (not by a million miles!) but at least I know he has my safety in mind.


  • Psiloi
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Re: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2022, 04:55:37 PM »
Oh those are just some fab paint jobs. 
I've got some of those figures myself, which I've recently retrieved from their storage boxes as Jon Keeling and I sort out what we've got for our own upcoming 28mm Hastings campaign series of battles. Sadly the paint jobs on my models look nothing like these.
BTW if ever you did want to get some of your 28mm Dark Age figures back on the table for a game of MeG I suspect we may be in the same part of the country.  I'm in Milton Keynes, Jon is in Flitwick and we often play at a club in Luton.  Just give me a shout here or on FB messenger if you do.

Hi Simon,

Sorry, I'm in the North East but if I'm ever down your way there's no reason why we can't pool our resources.

Due to certain medical conditions and SARS CoV 2 I haven't even been able to get to the local club never mind any shows. I spoke to me GP last week and he said wait at least another year and see how things are!  :(  Not at all what I wanted  to hear (not by a million miles!) but at least I know he has my safety in mind.

No worries buddy, stay safe and hang on in there. You have my sincere sympathy for your predicament.


  • Legionary
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Re: More Anglo Danes- Fyrd Second Rank 07-05-2022
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2022, 05:28:21 PM »
Oh those are just some fab paint jobs. 
I've got some of those figures myself, which I've recently retrieved from their storage boxes as Jon Keeling and I sort out what we've got for our own upcoming 28mm Hastings campaign series of battles. Sadly the paint jobs on my models look nothing like these.
BTW if ever you did want to get some of your 28mm Dark Age figures back on the table for a game of MeG I suspect we may be in the same part of the country.  I'm in Milton Keynes, Jon is in Flitwick and we often play at a club in Luton.  Just give me a shout here or on FB messenger if you do.

Hi Simon,

Sorry, I'm in the North East but if I'm ever down your way there's no reason why we can't pool our resources.

Due to certain medical conditions and SARS CoV 2 I haven't even been able to get to the local club never mind any shows. I spoke to me GP last week and he said wait at least another year and see how things are!  :(  Not at all what I wanted  to hear (not by a million miles!) but at least I know he has my safety in mind.

No worries buddy, stay safe and hang on in there. You have my sincere sympathy for your predicament.

Thanks Simon :)