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Author Topic: Italian Wars Units So Far  (Read 844 times)


  • Legionary
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Italian Wars Units So Far
« on: April 09, 2022, 11:50:08 AM »
This project has been on the go for many years now. First in an attempt, interrupted by illness and a a four to five year hiatus away from the hobby, to put on a Fornovo game which, to be honest, at the time I had little chance of achieving. As my interest moved much more towards the Spanish in Italy he goal was then to changed from that of Fornovo 1495 to that of Cerignola 1503 or Ravenna 1512.

I have a real <b><i>Horde of Shame</i></b> when it comes to models for The Italian Wars still to to paint up, Steel Fist, Wargames Foundry, The Assault Group and many more but despite suffering from a debilitating mental illness which at time has taken me away from the hobby I love so much I have managed to make what is at least a start on first the Italians (Gonzaga Vignette) and tackled a couple of unit of Spanish and a gun so, as I have done with my Anglo Danes and Early Byzantines I am going to tally up what I have so far in one post.

If it wasn't for the illness and the time taken up in therapy added to putting that therapy into practice there would be much more to show for this project.

The Italian Wars have long been a favourite of mine. One just cannot beat the period for colour and spectacle.

There are many more pictures of each unit from various viewpoints on my Just Add Water Blog here:

Franceso Gonzaga's Charge Across the River Taro at the Battle of Fornovo 1495

Speed Painted French Mounted French Crossbowmen:

Spanish Trastámara Arquebusiers

Spanish Trastámara Ordinance Piece

Spanish Trastámara Rodeleros/Sword and Buckle


  • Legionary
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Re: Italian Wars Units So Far
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2022, 12:55:51 AM »
Well, being ill might have reduced your quantity but it certainly didn’t affect your quality - beautiful work. I am also fascinated by this period, both for its aesthetics and for being a period of transition in warfare. I am envious of your skill and am hoping to start on my own French army this year.


  • Legionary
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Re: Italian Wars Units So Far
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2022, 09:07:00 AM »
Well, being ill might have reduced your quantity but it certainly didn’t affect your quality - beautiful work. I am also fascinated by this period, both for its aesthetics and for being a period of transition in warfare.

Thank you for the positive words SteveO.

am hoping to start on my own French army this year.

I'd very much like to see your work  8)


  • Legionary
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Re: Italian Wars Units So Far
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2022, 10:55:59 AM »
I would be too embarrassed I think. My painting skills are adequate but next to yours they would appear very pedestrian ☺️ Also, I will paint the French in 15mm.


  • Legionary
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Re: Italian Wars Units So Far
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2022, 11:50:48 AM »
I would be too embarrassed I think. My painting skills are adequate but next to yours they would appear very pedestrian ☺️ Also, I will paint the French in 15mm.

I'm the same with 15mm. My eyes just can't manage it anymore. I'm always amazed when I see good quality 15 mil stuff painted up these days. :)