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Author Topic: 2022 Lists  (Read 885 times)


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2022 Lists
« on: December 08, 2021, 03:35:47 PM »
2022 List Changes
Incorporated approx. 100 typos and all errata from 2021.
Major changes:
1.   Ptolemaic split into Early Ptolemaic and Ptolemaic.  Former is pretty much the same as the existing list. The latter does not have to have phalangites (reflecting changes after Panium).
2.   New list Baiyue (The One Hundred Yue) – basically southern Chinese in the Warring States period. Trieu Dynasty Vietnam is renamed as Nanyue.
3.   Sassanid Persian armies have had their infantry classifications updated.  The Middle Sassanid Persian has the option for an entirely ArmHrs asvaran.
4.   Thai Kingdoms list has been significantly revised.
5.   Early Imperial Roman cavalry are now compulsory, but allied contingents don’t have to take legionaries.
6.   Japanese armies have been tweaked so that samurai in mixed TuGs cannot shoot in 2 ranks. Entirely mounted samurai are Experienced Powerbow.
7.   Inca list has been revised and renamed Inca Empire. New list, Kingdom of Cusco, from 1200 to 1437 CE.
In total 102 lists have had minor changes for corrections, to add missing troop types or to conform to historical restrictions.
Full list of changes by list set
Akkad and Sumer
•   None
Egypt and Hatti
•   Hittite Old and Middle Kingdom – Added Hurrian allies
•   Mitanni – Reclassified shukituhli.
•   Syro-Canaanite – Added option for Hittite Spearmen.
•   Hittite Empire – Anatolian contingent now optional. Extended date for Gasgan troops.  Increase number of Anatolian spearmen.
•   Later Mycenean – Added “picked men”, superior spearmen, limited to 1 TuG of 6 per command.
•   Trojan War – Trojan – Added more archers and adjusted minimums.
Assyria and Babylon
•   Kushite Egyptian – Corrected Best Archers so that they are Formed.
•   Neo-Babylonian Empire – Adjusted infantry to allow more flexibility with spearmen or archers.
Balkans and the Pontic Steppe
•   Scordisci – Allowed up to half cavalry to be upgraded but reduced number of best warriors by 1 TuG.
•   Bastarnae – Added Scordisci as allies.
•   Early Langobard – Archers now protected rather than unprotected.
Egypt and Judaea
•   Ptolemaic – Now split into Early Ptolemaic (280 – 200 BCE) and Ptolemaic (199 to 55 BCE).  Phalangites are optional in the Ptolemaic list reflecting the lack of evidence for a phalanx after Panium, replaced by Thureophoroi, Galatian settlers or troops fighting in the Roman fashion.
Germany, Gaul and Britain
•   Lowland Gallic – Corrected note on chariots.
•   Early German – Horse killers list characteristic.
•   Scots-Irish – UG size for fierce warriors. Optional melee expert for warriors.
•   Gallic Foederate Roman – Adjusted Alans to reduce numbers and limit to 1 SuG of horse archers.
Greece and Macedon
•   Classical Greece – Horse killers list characteristic.
•   Spartan – Horse killers list characteristic. Corrected allies.
•   Later Spartan – Horse killers list characteristic.
•   Mid-Republican Roman – Increased number of veterans at end of 2nd Punic War
•   Early Imperial Roman – Clarified artillery rule. Cavalry made compulsory. Legionaries optional in allied contingents.
•   Imperial Roman – Clarified artillery rule. Arab ally changed to Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin.
•   Foederate Roman – Arab ally changed to Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin
Persia, Iran and India
•   Achaemenid Persian – Royal – Removed Orb option from Sparabara.
•   Achaemenid Persian – Satrapal – Removed Orb option from Sparabara.
•   Parthian – Cataphract camels added.
•   Early Sassanid Persian – Revised infantry classifications.
•   Middle Sassanid Persian – Revised infantry classifications.  Option for fully armoured asvaran.
•   Hephthalite – Elephants don’t have to be in a subject Indian command.
Spain, Sicily and Africa
•   Numidian or Moorish – Date restriction on elephants.
•   First Sevile War Slave Revolt – Maximum for women, children and old men corrected.
Syria and Asia Minor
•   Asiatic Successor – Restricted to 4 TuGs of Pike.
•   Attalid Pergamene – Restricted dates of Galatian foot.
•   Galatian – Amended dates for scythed chariots.
•   Early Seleucid – Restrictions on Antiochus Hierax.
•   Late Seleucid – Reclassified Thureophoroi.
•   Palmyran – Arab ally changed to Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin.
•   Salamiyah Qarmatian – Adjusted end date.
•   Later Scots-Irish - Optional melee expert for warriors.
•   Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin – Adjusted start date and territory types.
•   Langobard – Archers now protected.
•   Sassanid Persian – Reclassified infantry.
•   Italian Lombard – Archers now protected.
•   Late Sassanid Persian – Reclassified infantry.
•   Nikephorian Byzantine – Skutatoi. Adjusted mercenaries.
•   Later Nikephorian Byzantine – Skutatoi. Adjusted mercenaries.
•   Austrasia – Saxon allies in 613 CE.
•   Swabian Duchies. Adjusted dismounted Swabians. Adjusted internal allied contingents.
•   Charles Martel Frank. Adjusted dismounted Swabians.
•   Carolingian. Adjusted dismounted Swabians.
•   Charlemagne Carolingian. Adjusted dismounted Swabians.
•   East Frankish. Adjusted dismounted Swabians.
•   Early Holy Roman Empire. Adjusted dismounted Swabians.
•   Norman. Shield cover for Familia Pedites.
Steppes and Eastern Europe
•   Wends – Reclassified archers.
•   First Bulgarian Empire – Added Feigned Flight.  Adjusted Slav infantry.
Mandate of Heaven
•   None.
Warring States and Han
•   Baiyue – New list
•   Qin – Optional rule clarified.
•   Nanyue – renamed Trieu Dynasty Vietnam. Adjusted infantry numbers.
•   Western Han – reclassified conscript cavalry and horse archers.
•   Eastern Han – Adjusted allies, end date. Reclassified conscript cavalry and horse archers.
The Three Kingdoms
•   Wu Three Kingdoms – Adjusted start date. Removed tribal cavalry.
•   Shu Three Kingdoms - Adjusted start date. Removed tribal cavalry.
•   Wei Three Kingdoms – Adjusted start date. Restricted long spear. Added Xianbei allies.
•   Baekje Korean – Provincial crossbowmen now protected.
•   Xianbei Kingdoms – Restricted chained archers.
Tang China
•   Gokturk – Hephthalite contingent and elephants.
•   Uyghur Khaganate – Adjusted upgraded nobles.
•   Later Northern Song – Corrected regraded Imperial spearmen.
•   Khwarazmian – Start date changed. Allies added.
•   Yuan Dynasty – Cannon experienced.
•   Ming Chinese – Cannon experienced.
Land of the Samurai
•   Yayoi Japanese – Reclassified archers with large shields.
•   Kamakura Samurai – Samurai in mixed TuGs shoot in 1 rank.
•   Muromachi Samurai – Number of ashigaru corrected. Mounted samurai experienced powerbow. Samurai in mixed TuGs shoot in 1 rank.
•   Muromachi Peasant Uprising - Mounted samurai experienced powerbow
•   Sengoku Japanese - Mounted samurai experienced powerbow. Samurai in mixed TuGs shoot in 1 rank. Muramaki shoot with firearm at same skill.
•   Nobunaga Japanese - Mounted samurai experienced powerbow. Samurai in mixed TuGs shoot in 1 rank. Muramaki shoot with firearm at same skill.
•   Takeda Japanese - Samurai in mixed TuGs shoot in 1 rank. Muramaki shoot with firearm at same skill.
•   Rajput Indian – Mongol ally general professional.
South-East Asia
•   Early Khmer – Elephants mandatory, cavalry optional.
•   Indonesian or Malay – Archers Fleet of Foot.
•   Angkor Empire – Elephants mandatory, cavalry optional. Archers option for Pavise.
•   Moluccas - Archers Fleet of Foot.
•   Thai Kingdoms – Revised list.  Adjusted start date.
The Crusades
•   Later Crusader – Increased maximum number of Outremer knights.
•   Komnenan Byzantine – Adjusted cavalry.
•   Order of St John – Shield Cover & Shoot.
House of Osman
•   Timurid – Corrected Samarkand Guard
Kings in the North
•   Early Tudor English – Added Scottish spearmen.
•   100 Years War French – Shield Cover & Shoot.
•   Later 100 Years War English – Dismounted knights note.
•   Scottish in France – Shield Cover & Shoot.
Holy Roman Empire
•   Hungarian – Date for Hospitaller Knights.
•   Early Russian – Clarified restriction on allies.
•   Teutonic Orders – Option for an Instinctive sub-general.
•   Hussite – Added handgunners. Corrected points for war wagons.
•   Taifa Andalusian – Added crossbowmen.
•   Feudal Navarrese – Reduce number of knights. Increased spearmen.
•   Medieval Portuguese – Portuguese knights dismountable. Corrected note.
•   None.
Italian Wars
•   Late Swiss – Corrections. Option to have Unprotected Pikemen.
•   James IV Scottish – Amended Special Rule. If use Shield Cover max move 2 BW.
South America
•   Inca Empire – revised name and start date of 1438.  Date restrictions on subject tribes.  Created new list Kingdom of Cusco from 1200 to 1437 CE.
Meso America
•   None
North America and Oceania
•   Pueblo Culture – Points for skirmishers with atlatl reduced.
•   Southeastern Woodland Culture - Points for skirmishers with atlatl reduced.


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Re: 2022 Lists
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2021, 03:46:22 PM »
Note:  If you use the Army Builder you will also need to update to the 2022 Army Builder - also on the website.

The following changes are in the army builder:
  • Corrected points for skirmishers with darts.
  • Adjusted points for camps - mobile camps will be relatively cheaper than before, no camp option is also cheaper.
