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Author Topic: PACTO Battle of Sabis 57BCE - following Simon Hall’s You Tube video  (Read 2195 times)


  • Psiloi
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Dear reader,
Simon Hall created an online battle report on Sabis. A copy of which is on You Tube and is linked to else where on the forum.  Simon asked people to refight the battle to see what happened to Caesar: did he always win?

Our games were played online using Messenger or WhatApp. I set up the table and my opponent gave me instructions and Jamie, my son and I moved the figures.  Dice and cards were controlled and rolled remotely.

The first refight was with Dr Simon Elliott, of Two Simon’s fame, along with a few books. Simon was Caesar and Jamie and I were the Belgae. One usually expects a 9 year old to be a demon on the dice. The Belgae charged across the battlefield and bounced off the Romans. The Celts caused a few casualties but not a single skull was rolled by them. The Romans tore through them winning 15:0
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 08:07:54 PM by AdeNash »


  • Psiloi
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This is the table before the battle. (Apologies to the purists there a few proxies as I don’t own most of the figures for these armies)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 08:44:46 AM by AdeNash »


  • Psiloi
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This was the table at the end of the battle.


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Game 2:
This was an international game fought between Phil Nash in Thailand and myself in GB. ( opposed to the 4 mile distant game with Dr Elliott; guess which game had a better quality picture and sound.).

This result was much tighter. The Belgae did much better. First roll from Jamie was a skull.  This made the the whole game a much more of a bloody affair.

The Soldurii broke through and so did the Xth. The was a bloody stalemate in the middle but there was carnage on the Barbarian left. The cavalry flanked and swept through the Roman infantry on the extremes of the battle. At the opposite end the raw legion flanked and smashed the Belgae war bands.  Result was a draw both armies breaking.  Caesar escapes with an intact Xth but the rest of his army was in tatters.


  • Psiloi
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My 1st refight 15-2 to Rome

10th like hot knife through warm butter.

Whole line of Celts nurfed DC.

Numidians and archers pincushioned one cav

My daughter's dice rolling for Romans was amazing. Plus at one stage Caesar had 4 reds. Slaughter.


  • Psiloi
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Played MeG Pacto with Jamie today.  The battle of Sabis in 57BCE following Simon Hall’s
You Tube Demo. This is our third game. The
others were with Simon Elliott and Phillip Nash.  Caesar won this first game 15:0, second game was 12:12 draw with both armies breaking.

Game 3: Jamie played the Romans under Caesar and I played the Belgae.  The Belgae were not very aggressive to start with where as Caesar decided to go for it and push his legions forward.  The photo below shows the Belgae charging in.  The fight was fairly even. A few casualties in both sides but it looked like the Romans had the edge. 

Then the Gallic cavalry on the left swept the skirmishers away leaving the Roman flank exposed. Almost, in the nick of time, the Romans started to smash their way through the Belgae lines.  But one of the units on the end of the line broke its enemy but was destroyed in the process (both sides rolled skulls).  Morale failed for most of the Belgae ran.  Roman morale was faltering too. The Gallic cavalry charged the flank of the Roman infantry sweeping aside the poor Roman foot.  Caesar’a command was doing well destroying the enemy in front of him. He charged into the flank of the Gallic horse on the Belgae right. But did not do enough to destroy the enemy.  Caesar’s army was routed.  Another wound and the battle would have been a draw.  15:10 to the Belgae.


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My 1st refight 15-2 to Rome

Rome are doing well overall.


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Game 4: Another refight this time over the internet with Michael Bradford.  Brad rolled the dice and became Caesar and I played the Belgae.  This turned out to be another tight game. The Roman legions on Caesar's left utterly destroyed the enemy in front of him.  However, his unarmoured and poor legions on his right were completely routed.  The Gallic cavalry swept the Numidians and skirmishing archers out the way exposing the legions flank.  Another unit of cavalry swung around hitting the legion in the flank and destroying it. It charged on hitting another legion and destroying that too.  The morale of the legions collapsed and they ran for it.  In the middle there was a desperate fight between a superior legion and a native noble unit led by a general.  An even fight with casualties falling on the legion.  Before Caesar's victorious forces could come to the rescue the game was up.  The Roman cavalry crashed into the centre warband but it turned out to be to little to late.  The Gallic cavalry charged into the rear of the legion throwing their javelins and causing a wound.  The legion broke and Caesar's army was routed.  15:8 to the Belgae.       


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Simon Meg-Meister

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Excellent stuff.  Must tally up the score.
Next up Cannae on the 27th.
Info goes out on Monday.

Rolling Skulls in the land or Purple