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Author Topic: Positive Aftermath?  (Read 832 times)


  • Psiloi
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Positive Aftermath?
« on: July 26, 2023, 02:37:58 PM »
Any Historicon attendees here?

Curious if there are any testimonials from playing MeG at Historicon this year.   I wasn't able to make it, but I'm hoping that it had a big splash and generated some interest. 


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Re: Positive Aftermath?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2023, 06:43:05 PM »
I certainly hope so.

Simon Clarke, Alasdair Harley and myself (Richard Jeffrey-Cook) flew over from UK to attend Historicon.

Simon ran a total of 14 (yes 14) participation games of Renatio et Gloriam Epico.  The demonstration used Warlord Epic Scale (13.5 mm) figures to present two English Civil War armies. Simon's painting was really effective and the overall look was excellent.

Meanwhile on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, Alasdair and myself gave training sessions in how to play MeG Pacto in both 15mm and 28mm scale. We got plenty of interest.  On Friday and Saturday we held a MeG Maximus tournament with 8 of us. This attracted some interest (tournaments are never a great watch IMO). We still got interest on Sunday morning when everything is winding down.

We sold all the MeG stuff I could carry over, 9 Pacto rulebooks, 5 Maximus and Magna rulebooks, 16 sets of dice (my own and Simon's as well as the 14 packs I brought!) as well as cards and markers. 

It is now up to players in the USA to "spread the word" about MeG.  Because of the distances involved it is challenging to build up the momentum - but we will provide what help we can from this side of the pond.

I hope to be back next year and see if I can bring a few more UK players over as well.

Thank you to Dale, Dave, Richard, William, Francis and Dylan who joined Alasdair and myself in the tournament.  The standard of play was very good (I came 5th!).  The spirit of the tournament was excellent as were the meals in Lancaster at the Southern Market.  Simon lost the Marguerita contest by the way (I didn't enter - I was driving!). 


  • Psiloi
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Re: Positive Aftermath?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2023, 07:07:13 PM »
Wow, that's fantastic. 

I used to attend Historicon every year, but recently moved to Texas.  Couldn't make it this year; wish I had though. 

Love MeG.  Really like the way it differentiates command and control among ancient armies.  Let's hope it takes off in the US.


  • Centurion
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Re: Positive Aftermath?
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2023, 12:25:47 AM »
I too love both MeG and Historicon. I was a bit disappointed. Granted, it was a bit improvement over last year. Granted, we had a ‘real event’ with 8 players for the Maximus event. OTOH, only 6 players were from the USA, with 2 from the UK. Fully half the field were from the West Coast, (including me) so my patience for the ‘too far away’ folks is limited. The remaining 2 were from Florida.God bless them both.

What do we have to do to get people to show up and play at Historicon? This is a serious question. We get better turnouts routinely for our ‘local yokel’ events in Northern California. What are we doing wrong?
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