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Author Topic: Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 2023 Wrap Up!  (Read 1294 times)


  • Legionary
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Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 2023 Wrap Up!
« on: March 26, 2023, 02:14:59 PM »
So........ the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge ended on March 20th.

For those who expressed a wish to see the army arrayed- here it is.....

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge 2023 Wrap Up!

I want to thank everyone who contributed to The Challenge this year and also make a bit of an apology. I didn't manage to make half as many comments this year (still in therapy and that's taking up a lot of time- without denting my pain ting time though!). For that I'm sorry as there was a fine array of beautifully painted miniatures etc on display every day when I took a quick peek.

I've decided to leave out the incidental items painted to change things up a little as I view my main project as, well erm..... my main project!

The Thematic Byzantines were a lot of fun to paint up- like I have alluded to earlier, they are one of my dream armies that I just never got around to when I was a few years younger.

Please feel free to hop on over to my Just Add Water Blog for full sized pictures/files here:

Army Arrayed Outside an Outpost in the Balkans- Somewhere Near the Danube:

Tagmatic Kavalarioi:

Thematic Light Kavalarioi:

Tagmatic Kataphractoi:

Tagmatic Varangoi:

Roll on next year and the next AHPC!  :D