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Author Topic: 2024 List Changes  (Read 1705 times)


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2024 List Changes
« on: November 22, 2023, 12:09:55 PM »
As of 22/11/23
The draft lists can be viewed at https://1drv.ms/f/s!ArAp9B8LXfHfgrUlJmpkun8A0s_qpA?e=SKC6ND.

2024 List Changes
Points changes
Talented Professional Generals are 1100 pts. This is 50 pts cheaper.
Shoot & Charge characteristic cost is multipled by shooting skill, not quality and armour. Multiplier is 1.6 for skilled shooters, 1 for experienced shooters and 0.4 for unskilled shooters.
Exceptional troops multiplier increased to 1.9.
Obstacles are 20 pts per base, regardless of the troop type. Barricades are 40 pts per base, regardless of the troop type.
Dismountable characteristic halved for Infantry.
Chariot Lists
11 – Sumer and Akkad
No changes.
12 – Egypt and Hatti
1207 – New Kingdom Egyptian – Reduced maximum number of chariots.  Increased numbers of close fighters and Egyptian archers.  Adjusted options from 1199 BCE. 1178 BCE option to convert close fighters and archers to javelinmen.
1209 – Hittite Empire.  Scenario rule for 3-crew Hittite chariots.
1212 – Early Israelite. Scenario rule for Ark of the Covenant.
13 – Bronze and Iron
No changes.
14 – Assyria and Babylon
1407 – Kushite Egyptian – Extended end date to 593 CE.
1409 – Later Sargonid Assyrian – Removed Shieldwall.  Adjusted cavalry.
1412 – Neo-Babylonian Empire – Removed Shieldwall. Distinguished Babylonian from subject peoples spearmen and option to be Loose.
2 – Classical lists
Various – Option to regrade barbarians.
2107 – Scordisci; 2108 – Bastarnae; 2109 – Dacian or Carpi; 2113 – Quadi; 2114 – Early Vandal; 2120 – Gepid; 2121 – Hunnic; 2122 – Gothic; 2123 – Early Langobard; 2301 – Highland Gallic; 2302 – Lowland Gallic; 2303 – Early German; 2304 – Ancient British; 2306 – Batavian Revolt; 2308 – Picts; 2309 – Early Franks; 2310 – Rugii; 2311 – Burgundii; 2312 – Alamanni; 2313 – Suevi; 2314 – Frisii; 2315 – Old Saxon; 2316 – Limigantes; 2317 – Thuringii; 2318 – Turcilingi; 2319 – Gallic Foederate Roman; 2402 – Thracian Hill Tribes; 2411 – Thraco-Macedonian; 2413 – Coalition against Antigonus; 2515 – Spartacus Slave Revolt; 2518 – Foederate Roman; 2707 – Spanish Celtiberian; 2708 – Spanish Iberian; 2709 Spanish Lusitanian; 2712 – Later Carthaginian;  2809 – Galatian; 3204 – Later Pictish; 3205 – Early Anglo Saxon; 3301 – Eastern Roman Empire; 3302 – African Vandal; 3304 – Langobard; 3402 – Armorican or Early Breton; 3404 – Early Merovingian Frank; 3405 – Burgundian; 3504 – Bavarian;
Various – Regraded barbarian mercenaries.
2105 – Bosporan; 2206 – Early Ptolemaic; 2207 – Ptolemaic; 2209 – Late Ptolemaic; 2407 – Later Spartan; 2410 – Epirote; 2415 – Later Macedonian; 2416 – Hellenistic Greek; 2417 – Hellenistic Spartan; 2513 – Mid-Republican Roman; 2514 – Later Republican Roman; 2704 – Early Carthaginian; 2706 – Syracusan; 2712 – Later Carthaginian; 2715 – Spanish Sertorian; 2803 – Bithynian; 2808 – Attalid Pergamene; 2810 – Early Seleucid; 2811 – Seleucid; 2814 – Pontic; 3201 – Early Post Roman British;
Various – Cretan archers regraded to Protected, Experienced Bow. (Option to retain Skilled Bow remains).
2201 – Cyrenean Greek; 2206 – Early Ptolemaic; 2207 – Ptolemaic; 2401 – Classical Greek; 2403 – Spartan; 2406 – Mercenary Greek; 2407 – Later Spartan; 2408 – Alexandrian Macedonian; 2409 – Alexandrian Expeditionary; 2412 – Macedonian Successor; 2413 – Coalition against Antigonus; 2415 – Later Macedonian; 2416 – Hellenistic Greek; 2513 – Mid-Republican Roman; 2514 – Later Republican Roman; 2607 – Graeco-Bactrian; 2609 – Indo-Greek; 2801 – Asiatic Greek; 2805 – Asiatic Successor; 2806 – Eumenid; 2808 – Attalid Pergamene; 2810 – Early Seleucid; 2811 – Seleucid; 2813 – Late Seleucid.
21 – Balkans and the Pontic Steppe
2112 – Later Sarmatian – Added Vandal allies
2114 – Early Vandal – Option for more cavalry.
22 – Egypt and Judaea
2202 – Meroitic Kushite – Added best archers and javelinmen.
2208 - Jewish - Added mercenaries.  (22/11/23)
23 – Germany, Gaul and Britain
2308 – Picts – Added skirmishers.
24 – Greece and Macedon
2408 – Alexandrian Macedonian – Must invade from 334 BCE if C-in-C is Alexander. Option for foot companions to be upgraded to Superior.
2409 – Alexandrian Expeditionary – Must invade.
2414 – Pyrrhic – Added Galatians from 274 BCE.
25 – Italy
2504 – Etruscan – 2 Gallic allies in 283 BCE.  Reclassified infantry with pilum.
2510 – Camillan Roman – Reclassified legions before 275 BCE.
2512 – Later Campanian – Triarii UG size.  Reclassified legions before 275 BCE.
2513 – Mid Republican Roman – Triarii UG size.
2514 – Late Republican Roman – Scenario rule for fortified camps. Exceptional TuG restricted to 6 bases.
2516 – Early Imperial Roman – Corrected SuG sizes.  Scenario rule for fortified camps. Exceptional TuG restricted to 6 bases.
2517 – Imperial Roman – Scenario rule for fortified camps. Exceptional TuG restricted to 6 bases.
2518 – Foederate Roman – Auxilia palatina no longer an upgrade. Alans.
26 – Persia, Iran and India
PACTO – Corrected combined TuGs to 1/3 spearmen and 2/3 archers in TuGs of 3.  2604 – Classical Indian; 2610 – Kushan or Indo-Scythian; 2615 – Hephthalite.
2604 – Classical Indian – Elephant kings.
2608 – Parthian – At least as many average Parthian cavalry TuGs as superior.
2614 – Middle Sassanid Persian – Option for loose asvaran to have shower shooting (all or none). At least as many average Sassanid cavalry TuGs as superior.
27 – Spain, Sicily and Africa
New list – 2711 – Truceless War Mercenary
28 – Syria and Asia Minor
2811 – Reclassified the Cretan archers of Demetrius II.
Early Medieval Lists
Various – Option for melee expert for Ghazi and Volunteer infantry.
3103 – Khwarij; 3104 – Umayyad in Africa and Spain; 3105 – Umayyad and Early ‘Abbasid; 3108 – Khurasanian Dynasties; 3109 – Caliphal Later ‘Abbasid; 3110 – Regional Later ‘Abbasid; 3113 – Tulunid and Ikhshidid; 3114 – Bedouin Dynasties; 3116 – Dailami Dynasties; 3117 – Baghdad Buyid; 3120 – Ghaznavid;
31 – Arabia
3101 – Early Arab Conquest – Must invade.
3107 – North African Dynasties – One Superior cavalry UG allowed. Added horse archers. Berber infantry option for melee expert.
32 – Britain
3209 – Viking – Corrected note on berserkers. Clarified options. Raiders must invade.
3211 – Norse-Irish – Added Later Scots-Irish allies.
33 – Byzantium
3303 – Sabir – Skilled archers now a proportionate upgrade in line with other horse archer armies.
3308 – Early Byzantine – Vandal Justiani from 535 CE.
3314 – Syrian Byzantine – Regraded Skutatoi formed, not drilled.
3320 – Later Thematic Byzantine – Kataphraktoi superior.
3321 – Nikephorian Byzantine – Hamdanid allies.
34 – Frankia
3402 – Armorican or Early Breton – Regrade Breton cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3403 – Basque or Early Navarrese -  Regrade non-noble cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3404 – Early Merovingian Frank – Regrade non-noble cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3410 – Later Merovingian Frank – Regrade non-noble cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3412 – Gallia Aquitania – Regrade Breton cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3415 – Carolingian – Option to regrade freie herren to Experienced Javelin.
3416 – Charlemagne Carolingian – Option to regrade freie herren to Experienced Javelin.
3418 – Early Feudal French – Option to regrade milites to Experienced Javelin.
3420 –Breton – Regrade Breton cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3421 – Norman – Regrade Breton cavalry to Experienced Javelin.
3422 – Normans in Italy and Sicily – Added servientes, marines, horse archers and Moors.
35 – Eastern Europe and the Steppes
Asian Lists
41 – Mandate of Heaven
4105 – Early Zhou Chinese – Adjusted minima.
4106 – Early Spring and Autumn Chinese – Chariots reclassified.
4107 – The Five Hegemons – Chariots reclassified.
4108 – Late Spring and Autumn Chinese – Chariots reclassified.
42 – Warring States and Han
4201 – Baiyue – Added chiefs and followers.
4204 – Qin – Added bolt shooters.
43 – Warring States and Han
4304 – Gaya Confederacy – Revised list.
4305 – Baekje Korean – Revised list.
4311 – Gorguryeo Korean – Revised list.
4314 – Silla Korean – Revised list.
44 – Tang
4405 – Early Tibetan – Dismounted troops only permitted in 763 CE. Dismountable cataphracts still permitted at any date.
4407 - Tang China Northern – Clarified note on allies and all cavalry armies.
4409 – Tang China Southern – Corrected error in 737 CE upgrade.
4410 – Balhae Korean – Revised list.
4418 –Tibetan – Dismounted troops removed. Dismountable cataphracts still permitted at any date.
45 – Ghengis
4507 – Jurchen-Jin – Option for Iron Pagodas to dismount.
4512 – Golden Horde – Reclassified Russian boyars.
4517 – Ming Chinese – Split into two lists – Early Ming Chinese and 4519 – Ming Chinese.
46 – Land of the Samurai
4605 – Heian Japanese – Obstacles not Barricades for followers.
4607 – Kamakura Japanese – Obstacles or Barricades.
4608 – Muromachi Japanese – Obstacles or Barricades.
47 – India
Elephant kings: 4703 - Gupta Indian; 4704 – Late Classical Indian; 4705 – Empire of Harsha; 4708 -Chola Empire; 4711 – Vijayanagar.
4708 – Chola Empire – Allowed more cavalry. Added skilled archers.
4711 – Vijayanagar – Added skilled archers.
48 – South East Asia
Elephant kings: 4803 – Champa; 4806 – Indonesian or Malay (not Javanese); 4808 – Angkor Empire; 4809 – Kingdom of Pagan (from 1044 CE); 4184 – Thai Kingdoms; 4815 – Barmarised Shan Kingdoms; 4816 – Hanthawaddy Kingdom.
4808 – Angkor Empire – Corrected Ph’kak armed foot (average) and Jacketed Spearmen (Shoot & Charge not Integrated Shooters).
Medieval Lists
51 – Crusades
5102 - Later Fatimid Egyptian – Adjusted allies.
5103 – Early Armenian Cilicia – Adjusted allies.
5104 – Syrian States - Mercenaries, muttawwi and ghazi volunteers, changes for minor states.
5106 – Adjusted allies.
5107 – Added Artuqids to Early Turcoman Beyliks. Adjusted allies.
5108 – People’s Crusade – Army characteristic, must invade.
5109 – First Crusade - Army characteristic, must invade. Dismountable option for Knights and Sergeants.
5110 – County of Edessa – Adjusted allies.
5111 – Early Outremer States – Adjusted allies.
5112 – Post Seljuk Abbasid - Ghazi & Other Volunteers option for Melee Expert.
5113 – Outremer States – Military order knights drilled. Adjusted allies.
5115 – Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia – Adjusted allies.
5116 – Ayyubid Egyptian - Muttawwi and Ghazi volunteers option for Melee Expert.
5117 – Later Crusader – Military order knights drilled. Adjusted allies.
5118 – Ayyubid Syrian States - Muttawwi and Ghazi volunteers option for Melee Expert. Adjusted allies.
5119 – Seventh Crusade – Military order knights drilled.
5120 – Mamluk Egyptian - Muttawwi and Ghazi volunteers option for Melee Expert. Adjusted end date.
5121 – Mamluk Syrian Garrisons – New list.
52 – Frankokratia
5204 – Lusignan Cypriot. Military order knights drilled.
5214 – Order of St John. Military order knights drilled.
53 – House of Osman
5304 – Later Hungarian.  Extended end date to 1462 CE. Option for drilled nobles (from 1441 CE). Option for fortified camp.
5305 – Wallachian. Wallachian allies do not have to take otherwise compulsory foot.
5313 – Crusade of Nicopolis - Army characteristic, must invade.
5315 – Black Army Hungarian.  Regraded armati and clipeati. Bosnian general instinctive ally.  Option for fortified camp if battle wagons not taken.
54 – Kings of the North
5403 – Anglo Norman – Scenario rule for a Carrocio.
5404 – Medieval Welsh – Added a French ally contingent.
55 – Valois
56 – Holy Roman Empire
5601 – Early Communal Italian – Scenario rule for a Carrocio.
5602 – Papal Italian  – Scenario rule for a Carrocio.
5603 – Corrected error in dates of knights. Added servientes.
5604 – Hungarian –  – Scenario rule for a Carrocio.
5607 – Later Communal Italian  – Scenario rule for a Carrocio.
5608 – Imperial German –  Scenario rule for a Carrocio..
5611 – Hohenstaufen German – Army must invade.
5615 – Early Italian Condotta  – Scenario rule for a Carrocio.
57 – Ostsiedlung
5709 – Novgorod Republic – Reclassified dvor and boyars. Added Russian ally.
5710 – Post-Mongol Russian – All or none option for reclassified dvor and boyars. Additional spearmen. Added Novgorod ally.
5716 – Hussites – Added option for Hungarian contingents.
58 – Reconquista
5801 – Early Catalan and Aragon – Adjusted options for camp.
5803 – Feudal Navarrese – Military order knights drilled.
5804 – Feudal Castile and Leon – Military order knights drilled.
5806 – Feudal Portuguese – new option for 2nd Crusade. Military order knights drilled.
5809 – Early Crown of Aragon – Military order knights drilled. Reclassified almogavars.
5817 – Crown of Aragon – Military order knights drilled. Reclassified almogavars.
5818 – Medieval Castilian - Military orders knights drilled.
59 – Africa
American and Oceania Lists
61 – South America
6107 – Ge Brazilian. Upgraded warriors.
62 – Meso America
63 – North America and Oceania
Renaissance Lists
71 – Italian Wars
72 – Renaissance Japan
7201 – Sengoku Japanese – Obstacles not Barricades.
7202 – Nobunaga Japanese – Obstacles not Barricades.
7203 – Takeda Japanese – Obstacles not Barricades.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2023, 06:56:43 PM by lionheartrjc »