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Author Topic: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024  (Read 1052 times)


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2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« on: February 18, 2024, 10:54:33 AM »
Mortem et Gloriam – 15mm “Armies and Enemies of Rome to the Fall of the West”

Tickets - https://wargamesreading.co.uk/warfare-2024/warfare-2024-tournaments/historical-tournaments/mortem-et-gloriam/

The following armies are allowed dated up to 476CE (i.e. no armies or options allowed after that date).

Italy: Early Roman or Latin; Etruscan; Italian Hill Tribes; Umbrian; Early Campanian; Magna Graecia; Apulian; Bruttian; Lucanian; Camillan Roman; Samnite; Later Campanian; Mid Republican Roman; Later Republican Roman; Spartacus Slave Revolt; Early Imperial Roman; Imperial Roman; Foederate Roman; Later Foederate Roman.

Balkans and Pontic Steppe: Thracian Lowland Tribes; Early Sarmatian; Bosporan; Scordisci; Bastarnae; Dacian or Carpi; Alan; Later Sarmatian; Quadi; Early Vandal; Tervingi; Scirii; Taifali; Heruli; Hunnic; Gothic.

Egypt & Judaea: Meroitic Kushite; Nabatean; Pre-Islamic Arab; Jewish; Late Ptolemaic; Blemmye; Jewish Revolt; Later Pre-Islamic Bedouin.

Germany, Gaul & Britain: Highland Gallic; Lowland Gallic; Early German; Ancient British; Scots-Irish; Batavian Revolt; Caledonian; Picts; Early Franks; Burgundi; Alamanni; Suevi; Frisii; Old Saxon; Limigantes; Turcilingi.

Greece & Macedon: Thracian Hill Tribes; Illyrian; Epirote; Pyrrhic; Later Macedonian; Hellenistic Greek.

Persia, Iran and India: Parthian; Parthian Vassal States; Early Sassanid Persian; Middle Sassanid Persian.

Spain, Sicily and Africa: Early Carthaginian; Sardinian; Siciliot Greek; Syracusan; Spanish – Celtiberian; Spanish – Iberian; Spanish – Lusitanian; Numidian or Moorish; Later Carthaginian; First Servile War Slave Revolt; Second Servile War Slave Revolt; Spanish – Sertorian; Pompeian Numidian; Later Moorish.

Syria and Asia Minor: Armenian; Cappadocian; Early Seleucid; Late Seleucid; Pontic; Galatian; Palmyran.

Byzantium: African Vanda; Sabir; Eastern Later Roman.

Frankia: Tolosan Visigoth; Armorican or Early Breton.

15mm 10,000pt – 2 games per day

Saturday 0930-1245, 1400-1715
Sunday 0900-1215, 1330-1645.

List checker: Nik Gaukroger - nikgaukroger@blueyonder.co.uk

List Deadline – 1st November 2024; please send the whole army builder.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2024, 01:53:06 PM by nikgaukroger »
"The Roman Empire was not murdered and nor did it die a natural death; it accidentally committed suicide."


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Re: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2024, 05:55:30 PM »
Competition theme details added.
"The Roman Empire was not murdered and nor did it die a natural death; it accidentally committed suicide."


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Re: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2024, 07:34:48 AM »
Can you take allies that are not on this list but are in period? Thinking of Mid Republicans with Pergamene allies (to pick a random example   ;) )


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Re: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2024, 08:38:27 AM »
No restrictions on allies.

It'd be mentioned if there were  ;)
"The Roman Empire was not murdered and nor did it die a natural death; it accidentally committed suicide."


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Re: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2024, 11:02:13 AM »
Ahh, all that "reading things and taking them literally" stuff. You'll be wanting us to do that with the rules next ;) ;)


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Re: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2024, 12:32:24 PM »
I'm not that optimistic  ;)
"The Roman Empire was not murdered and nor did it die a natural death; it accidentally committed suicide."

Simon Meg-Meister

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Re: 2024-11-16/17 Warfare 2024
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2024, 04:13:53 PM »
Cross posting here ... first ever CCC trade stand at Warfare 2024

Rolling Skulls in the land or Purple