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Author Topic: 2020.02 Errata  (Read 1662 times)


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2020.02 Errata
« on: January 02, 2020, 05:54:05 PM »
Official errata

Chariot - Assyria and Babylon - Kushite Egyptian -  Best Archers should be "Skilled", not "Experienced" archers.

Classical - Germany, Gaul and Britain - Early German - Add 0-24 Women and Families, Infantry, Tribal Loose, Poor, Unprotected, Combat Shy UG Size 10,12.

Classical - Greece and Macedonia - Spartan - Spartan armies in Asia prior to Agesilaus should have 12-30 Spartan Hoplites, classified as for other Spartan hoplites at that date.

Classical - Italy - Imperial Roman - Change end date to 396 CE.

Classical - Italy - Foederate Roman - Change start date to 397 CE.

Classical - Italy - Later Foederate Roman - Extend end date to 486 CE for Bacaudic armies in Gaul.  Restrict all armies to two TuGs of horse archers (armoured and/or Alans and Huns).  Allow 0-2 internal ally generals.

Classical - Persia, Iran and India - Later Achaemenid Persian - Add Classical Greek (Theban) allies in 351 BCE but only if the C-in-C is not the king and cannot include Bactrian or Saka cavalry.

Early Medieval - Byzantine - Later Nikephorian Byzantine - The 2nd and 4th lines are incorrect. Tagamata cavalry should be classified as "Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Protected, Charging Lance, Charge Only Bow". The Thematic cavalry should be classified as "Cavalry, Formed Loose, Average, Protected, Charging Lancer, Charge Only Bow."

Asian - Warring States and Han - Qin - If Conscript Troops are regraded, the minimum number is 24 and the maximum number is 48. All conscript troops must be regraded or none of them.

Asian - Warring States and Han - Later Warring States - If Conscript Troops are regraded, the minimum number is 24 and the maximum number is 48. All conscript troops must be regraded or none of them.

Asian - Warring States and Han - Western Han - If Standing Army close fighters and crossbowmen are regraded then the minimum number is 0 and the maximum number is 27. If Conscript Army close fighters and crossbowmen are regraded, the minimum number is 18 and the maximum number is 36.  If any close fighters and crossbowmen are regraded then all must be regraded in both armies.

Asian - Ghenghis - Later Northern Song - The list should allow 0-1 Internal Ally General (Zhuang) Any Instinctive.

Asian - Ghenghis - Yuan Dynasty - Cannon shooting skill should be Experienced.

Asian - Ghenghis - Ming Chinese - Guns and Cannon shooting skill should be Experienced.

Asian - Land of the Samurai - Nobunaga Japanese and Takeda Japanese - Murakami Samurai Bushi should be Pwoerbow, not Bow.

Medieval - Crusades - Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia - Removed Charging Lancer from Frankish sergeants (for consistency with other Crusade lists).

Medieval - Kings in the North - Medieval Scottish - If Yeoman are upgraded, then Men-at-Arms may not be taken and the minimum no longer applies.

Medieval - Kings in the North - Early Tudor English - French pikemen (only in 1485 CE) may be replaced by Halberdiers only - all or none.  Infantry, Drilled Close, Average, Polearm. UG size 6,8.

Medieval - Valois - Middle Swiss - Minimum number of halberdiers reduced from 18 to 16.

Medieval - Ostsiedlung - Hussite - Add Peasant volunteers, Infantry, Poor, Tribal Loose, Unprotected, Polearm, optional Combat Shy. 0-24, UG size 10,12.

Medieval - Reconquista - Feudal Navarrese - Clarified that the upgrade for veteran hidalgos only applies until 1149 CE.

Medieval - Reconquista - Feudal Castile, Leon and Portuguese - From 1074 CE 0-6 knights may be upgraded to veteran hidalgos.  Cavalry, Drilled Loose, Superior, Protected, Charging Lancer, Melee Expert.  This represents Knights under the command of El Cid and later, and is consistent with the Navarrese and Aragonese lists.

Medieval - Reconquista - Feudal Castile, Leon and Portuguese - In 1212 CE, a Castilian army may take Feudal Navarrese and Early Crown of Aragon allies together.  This is the army that fought at Las Navas de Tolosa.

Medieval - Reconquista - Crown of Aragon - Incorrect spelling of Almughavars.

Medieval - Reconquista - Medieval Portuguese - Add dismountable characteristic to Best Portuguese and Portuguese knights and sergeants.  They dismount as other knights in this army.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 03:55:24 PM by lionheartrjc »