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Messages - francesco

Pages: [1]
Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Terrain cover distances.
« on: August 08, 2023, 10:13:55 PM »
For 1, must a ridge line be clearly defined?  If a hill comes to a single high point, there is in effect an infinite series of ridge lines from the high point in all directions.  If UGs are either side of one of those lines then visibility is reduced.  If a hill is modelled or shows ridge lines rather than a single high point, then the UGs must be either side of one of those ridge lines for visibility to be restricted.

Hello Richard, I am not sure to understand how visibility work for hills and mountains.

In case of ridge lines, a UG on one side can only see up to xHBW (x defined in the rulebook) on other side? Visibility from/towards outside the terrain is unaffected unless it pass through the ridge line?

In case of a ridge point, visibility is only at xHBW inside/passing through the terrain unless the line of sight direction go exactly upward towards the ridge point (or downhill following the same line in the opposite direction)?

Thanks in advance

Thanks for the episode, I am a big fan of the Hundred Years War !!

Could you please share some updated (2023) reccomended/balanced army lists for Pacto as well ?
I would like to introduce MeG to my family and closest friends as well.

Hereby the army lists I have found so far:

English Starter Set (2020, The Plastic Soldier Company)

French Starter Set (2020, The Plastic Soldier Company)

Thanks in advance

I would recommend playing the rules as we have extensively designed and tested them.  You are welcome to change the rules but don't look here for any approval in doing so.

Thanks for your honesty Richard.

Since you are so serious about the original rules (and Pacto Print on Demand was just published on 19/5/23), I prefer to trust you and focus only on the changes needed to play the game with my family and friends.

Pacto / Re: Adapting Pacto to a Grid
« on: July 28, 2023, 08:40:29 AM »
Personally, I am not a fan of hex grids for ancient battles, preferring a square grid - but don't let that stop you. 
I decided to opt for a square grid since I realized that is way easier to create than an hex grid (https://russellphillips.uk/joy-of-hex-wargaming-hex-mat/). It also demands less space and allow to fill more efficiently the space with squared group of units.

I initially thought of using an offset square grid but I went back to a traditional square grid (like chess) to more easily identify line of sight (for shooting) and units orientation for charge and melee.

Your grid is also quite small (i.e. not that many hexes across - not the size of the hexes!).
I decided to represent the 45 HBW length x 30 HBW width by using a square grid with each square representing 3 HBW x 3 HBW.

For the deployment length which of the following conversion would you recommend?
a)   Round up: 4 tiles (12 HBW) + 9 tiles (27 HBW) + 3 tiles (12 HBW)
b)   Longer flanks: 4 tiles (12 HBW) + 8 tiles (24 HBW) + 3 tiles (12 HBW)
c)   Longer centre: 3 tiles (9 HBW) + 9 tiles (27 HBW) + 3 tiles (9 HBW)
d)   Round down: 3 tiles (9 HBW) + 8 tiles (24 HBW) + 3 tiles (9 HBW)

I personally opt for (a). I suppose it is better more than less in this case !!

A unit occupies a hex.  I have units facing the edge of a hex, not a point.
I came up to the same conclusion after adapting to an offset square grid. I would allow generals (floating or not) to be with UG in the same square although.

Move 1 hex for infantry, 2 hexes for cavalry.
I initially thought the same, but I decided to maintain the original distances to stay as close as possible to the original balance of the game, as you suggested elsewhere.

I would recommend playing the rules as we have extensively designed and tested them.  You are welcome to change the rules but don't look here for any approval in doing so.

For the sake of simplicity, I am rounding some distances to 3HBW multiples:
a)   Terrains and deployment.
b)   Command ranges: 9 (instead of 8 ) HBW, 12 (instead of 10) HBW and 15 HBW.

For all the other cases I created a system to allow +/- 1/2 HBW variation by modifying the position of the UG inside the square.

Thanks for your suggestions, I found them really useful. :)


Thanks for the clarification Richard, indeed I wrongly reported the break limit in bases instead rather than wounds. And the 50% limit is for breaking the entire army while, as you mentioned, the Breaking Point for each unit need to be exceeded.

If I am assuming two files per single (fixed) file and using Pacto HBW scale is there any specific reason you would reccomend Magna rules instead of Pacto rules?

Is that related to the fact that Pacto rules are more forgiving in term of damage on UG (https://mortem-et-gloriam.co.uk/smf/index.php?topic=2592.0)?

I don't remember the rules which are not relevant for Pacto (PBS5.C, 5.E, 5.K, 6.M, 8.C) but, if possible, I would prefer to keep using Pacto rules with the assumption of one (fixed) line representing two (fixed) lines in term of attacks and sustainable wounds.

Thanks Richard for your reply, do you mean keeping the same quantity of miniatures and scale (HBW) of Pacto but using Magna rules and assuming double the miniatures for each file ?

My understanding of MeG Pacto is that each UG reaches its Break Point after losing its first base since in all the lists I have seen TUG size and Skirmish size do not exceed 2 and 3 bases respectively.

That takes away the interesting MeG choice of having a single less breakable GU or two more flexible GU at the same price.

I agree with you that a longer combat would favour the best quality troops comparing to the original MeG Pacto but I would still give a try to a variant which preserve such concept.

On top of the existing undead units (Ghouls, Mummies, Skeletons, Wights and Zombies), I would be glad to see included some additional holy and unholy units like:

a)   Archangels as Flying Good Heroes and Angels as flying TUG.
b)   Demons and Flying Demons
c)   Monks & Priests
d)   Mounted Skeletons
e)   Mounted Wights
f)   Unholy Skirmish
g)   Vampires as Flying Evil Heroes

Hereby a list of possible sculptures (15mm) which could be used from the game Time of Legends Joan of Arc:

Angels (4 Figurines in the core game, 4 in Apocalypse expansion)

Archangels (Gabriel in the core game, Raphael, Michael)

Damned, usable as Mounted Skeleton (2 Figurines in the game)

Devotees, usable as Unholy Skirmish (6 Figurines in the core game)

Flying Demons (6 Figurines in the core game)

Gargoyles, usable as "Good" Flying TUG (6 Figurines in the game)

Glorious Angel (1 Figurines in the game)

Heretics, usable as Unholy Skirmish (3 Figurines in the core game)

Monks (17 Figurines in the game):

Mounted Skeleton (8 Figurines in the game):

Mounted Spectre, usable as Mounted Wights (8 Figurines in the game)

Penitents, usable as Unholy Skirmish (3 Figurines in the core game)

Vampire (1 Figurine in the core game)

Voracious Demon (4 Figurines in the core game)

I agree with some players that UG are probably too easy to break in MeG Pacto.

I am wondering if giving a 1/2 (instead of 1/3) Break Point to skirmisher & no Break Point (instead of 1/2) to TuG would make a Pacto game more similar to Maximus and Magna while keeping it "compact".

What are your thoughts about that ?

Pacto / Adapting Pacto to a Grid
« on: July 26, 2023, 06:16:54 AM »
Hello everybody,

I am adapting MeG Pacto rules to an Hex Grid (7x11 full tiles on a board 72 x 152 cm) for my family and friends.

Please let me know in case you are interested in or you have already tried a similar variant. See also the discussion on Boardgamegeek (https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3124451/adapting-mem-pacto-hex-grid).

Thanks in advance,


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