Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Terrain cover distances.
« on: August 08, 2023, 10:13:55 PM »For 1, must a ridge line be clearly defined? If a hill comes to a single high point, there is in effect an infinite series of ridge lines from the high point in all directions. If UGs are either side of one of those lines then visibility is reduced. If a hill is modelled or shows ridge lines rather than a single high point, then the UGs must be either side of one of those ridge lines for visibility to be restricted.
Hello Richard, I am not sure to understand how visibility work for hills and mountains.
In case of ridge lines, a UG on one side can only see up to xHBW (x defined in the rulebook) on other side? Visibility from/towards outside the terrain is unaffected unless it pass through the ridge line?
In case of a ridge point, visibility is only at xHBW inside/passing through the terrain unless the line of sight direction go exactly upward towards the ridge point (or downhill following the same line in the opposite direction)?
Thanks in advance