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Topics - Glactophagos

Pages: [1] 2
Player Discussion / Lowland Gallic armies
« on: June 26, 2024, 04:48:40 PM »
Lowland Gallic armies can have up to 24 chariots. Do they therefore qualify for chariot tournaments?
Discuss...  ;D

A question: would it be possible to add 1 or more earlier Mid- or Northern European civilisations we can use before 500 BC?
Maybe the Hallstatt Celts or something Scandinavian?

List Queries / 5515 Burgundian Ordonnance
« on: April 16, 2024, 10:28:34 AM »
I'd like to check a few things about the option:
'Replace pikemen and longbowmen with mixed TUG comprising 4 pikemen and 4 longbowmen'.

1) Am I correct in thinking that, as they are now only two ranks deep, the pikemen effectively function as long spear rather than pike?
2) Are the longbowmen literally in the back ranks, or considered to be intermixed? And if they are in the back ranks, do they still enjoy the protection of the pike/longspear? (yes, I play ReG, hence the question,  ;D)


Player Discussion / When does a keil stop being a keil?
« on: September 15, 2023, 09:11:18 AM »
A keil starts 4 rank deep, looses the 4th rank due to shooting or after melee and then reforms.
Is it still considered to be a keil?


List Queries / Short spear vs Long spear vs Charging Lancer
« on: July 09, 2023, 06:23:19 AM »
Am I correct in assuming the classifications Short spear, Long Spear and Charging Lancer describe more/something other than just the size of the weapon? Perhaps the way it is handled?
I ask because I'm currently looking at list 4403 Tarim Basin States and can't help noticing that the description reads 'Tarim Basin cavalry were equipped with lance and bow but may have placed greater emphasis on the bow', only to find that in the actual list they get short spear.
I have no problem with that, other than an esthetical one (which figures will I use: short spear and bow or lance and bow), but I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind it.


List Queries / Thessalian Greek Javelinmen
« on: July 06, 2023, 03:33:32 AM »
Purely out of interest:
In army 2401, what is the thinking behind the mandatory javelinmen (if Thessalalians are taken) not having the option of going Combat shy?

List Queries / Small typo in Carolingian armies 3415 and 3416
« on: June 24, 2023, 06:30:26 PM »

Looking at the Carolingian armies in the Frankia list, I found a spelling mistake.
There is talk of 'Heerbaan' instead of 'Heerbann'. Although the 'Heer' bit is identical in meaning, i.e. 'army', the second bit is like calling the system of military organisation a motor way/main road.
Granted, 'Heerbaan' got its name from the reason it was there, to allow the army to travel on it (basically still the Roman Road), but the organisational system of the armies was the 'Heerbann'.


List Queries / A follow-up question for handgunners in keils
« on: May 03, 2023, 09:52:40 AM »
I've read the earlier posts about the subject, but I still have questions:

So max 3 bases of handgunners per Maximilian (7108) keil, correct?

'There are two ways to represent this: 1) ideally replace 1 pike or halberd with a handgunner, or 2) to avoid rebasing place a handgunner skirmish base in front of the file containing them.'

I would like to use the second option. Does that now mean my keil will look like this:


and if that is correct, when does the handgunner base die? Is it the first casualty or, as it really only seems to be a symbol after all, will the file retain its firing capacity until the last base in that file dies? (obviously accounting for the fact that once in contact, there will be no firing anyway... Which makes me wonder: remove the symbolic handgunner base once fighting?)

Or any other answer, of course. Please enlighten me?


Player Discussion / No camp, just wondering
« on: February 04, 2023, 12:04:55 PM »
After scouring the rules for an answer, I end up here, asking/proposing:

Say I have an all-mounted army, enabling me to choose the No camp option. After some testing I decide to take an ally that has some mandatory infantry.
I've always assumed that this now forces me to take a camp. Was I correct?
Still, what is the reasoning behind this? One might argue that the main army determines this sort of thing, as the allies are in a way just 'guests' and might even decide to bugger off all together...

Any thoughts?

List Queries / using Charge only (power) bow
« on: November 13, 2022, 11:48:23 AM »
I'm looking at the Kingdom of the Isles list (Kings in the North) and trying to understand the Charge only (power) bow the Highlanders in it have. Am I correct in assuming that:
- the one rank of ceithern with bow shoot 1 color down because it is only 1 rank?
- these archers still fight the same as their non-shooting friends in the same TuG?
- the only added value of choosing powerbow is that it goes up one color against some opponents, thereby accidentally compensating for the one color down caused by the fact it is only one rank?
- neither the 4BW range of normal bows, nor the 5BW range of powerbows is relevant here, as the only range that counts is the 3BW charge range of this infantry unit?
- the shooting here is like in Shoot & charge, so only when charging, and NOT when being charged?


List Queries / Yet another bolt shooter question
« on: September 26, 2022, 03:55:13 PM »

I'm looking at a design for an Imperial Roman army that has TUGs of 5 bases legionaries re-equipped with darts + a 6th base with a bolt shooter, marked as light artillery.
Has the fact that there is a bolt shooter in one of the files any bearing on the shooting properties of the darts in that same file (colour down? no shooting at all?), or not at all?

Please advise?

Player Discussion / Sumer and Akkad list - Highland Raiders
« on: July 11, 2022, 01:29:24 PM »

The notes for this army say 'A command may have only 1 UG of best warriors', but no 'best warriors' are mentioned in the list. Can I assume the 'Chieftains and their retinues' are meant?

Looking at the Later Medieval Low Countries list, I'm left with a question:

Under notes it says:
'A C-in-C and sub-generals may combine their contingents.'
What does this entail? Block movement, cards combined, generals can command anything within that combination, or something else? And how permanent is that combination? Does it cost a card for example?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / double moves - dual interpretations
« on: October 24, 2021, 07:02:13 PM »
On my way back from a very nice tournament in Rueil, France. Couldn't help noticing that people interpret the 'with an enemy tug within 4bw no double moves' rule in different ways: some say you cannot do a double move at all, others say you can, but only up to 4bw of the enemy tug (so the second move is cut short). Perhaps this could do with clarification?

Player Discussion / Nicest horse archer army - advice wanted
« on: September 07, 2021, 10:06:04 AM »
Hi all,
I'm thinking of adding a horse archer army to my collection, but I have trouble deciding on one.

I do have some parameters for what I'm looking for:
- not too much tribal (preferably none), at least formed, drilled is a bonus
- at least some skilled shooters, the more the better
- era or area really doesn't matter, anywhere in Eurasia
- for punch maybe some lancers
- I like having melee experts
- Professional command would be a bonus, but is not essential
- the use of allies to make it even more interesting is acceptable
And last but certainly not least: the availability of nice miniatures.

I'd love your input!
Cavi (aka Huub)

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