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Messages - Fredericksdownfall

Pages: [1]
Rules Queries and Clarifications / Evading cavalry meeting Skirmishers
« on: April 05, 2024, 07:52:38 AM »
We had a situation where a unit of cavalry wanted to evade a charge . The path of the evade took it towards an enemy light cavalry unit.
An earlier post on a related subject suggested the cavalry could not push back the light cavalry as that only happens in the movement phase. However, it did not suggest what should happen.

In our case there was sufficient room for the cavalry to shift hall a base to avoid the skirmishing unit. But what would happen if this was not possible?


Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Shoot and charge firing range
« on: March 15, 2023, 07:30:31 PM »

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Shoot and charge firing range
« on: March 15, 2023, 07:08:49 PM »
I just want to confirm that units which have shoot and charge do their shooting before any movement. This means that a lot of the time javelin armed troops won't be able to use this as (we have often found) they will be out of range initially. Is that correct and what was intended?



Newmarket and Ely Wargames Society (NEWS)

Mortem et Gloriam
Only a couple of us play Mortem et Gloriam at the moment and we are very much new to it. Trying to increase interest and attract new players

Other Games
Also Bolt Action, To The Strongest, To the Strangest (TTS fantasy variant we developed), Sword and Spear, King of the Battlefield, Cruel Seas, Black Seas, Seven Days to the Rhine, Iron Cross, Flames of War, Lion Rampant, Dragon Rampant, Xenos Rampant, Stargrave, Wot a Tanker, DAK Attack, Donnybrook etc etc. To be honest we seem to play so many different rule sets my head spins

Meet generally Thu night 6.30-10pm, Victoria Hall, Fordham, Cambridgeshire
Every 3rd or 4th month we organise an all weekend  session of games when we get visitors from Yorkshire as well as London

Around 12 regulars but with a wider more occasional group of about 25. We also have RPG players use the hall at the same time (helps keep costs down). New members always welcome, especially as some of us are starting to get a bit long in the tooth

Contact me (Jimmy Carter) at fredericksdownfall@gmail.com for more information

Events / Re: 2023-03-05 - The Kent Clash 2023 - Hoplites and Pike at War
« on: December 16, 2022, 08:27:06 AM »
I am rather new to MeG and have never played Maximus nor been to any competitions. I assume this is 15mm scale?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Wheeling and Charging by File
« on: June 27, 2022, 08:30:55 AM »
I am relatively new to MeG and one of the areas of confusion, like many, is engaging in melee especially to flanks. One particular thing I don’t understand the logic of is in this case unit C is allowed to wheel into contact on the flank in the movement phase and yet if the same unit C were already on the flank but not in contact and a mere step away from engaging  yet it is only allowed to do so in the charge phase. This might happen if A had charged B earlier across the front of C if C was at right angles to B.  If I remember correctly you can charge through a close proximity zone
I would say despite the occasional confusion we are enjoying the rules and armies that have not seen light for a few years are coming out of their boxes

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