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Topics - Agoz

Pages: [1] 2
Pacto / Imperial Romans Mistake
« on: May 13, 2023, 04:43:50 PM »
Hey, just thought I'd point out that in the Pacto version of the Imperial Romans list veteran Legionaries are graded as average, when they are superior in the Maximus version, I'm assuming this is a mistake.

Player Discussion / Maximus SUG shooting depth
« on: April 13, 2022, 07:35:20 PM »
In maximus the QRS says a SUG shoots at full effect at 3 deep, reduced at 2. Does this get further downgraded at 1? I used a skilled unit of archers 1 deep the other day and 6 white dice felt quite a bit more powerful than 2 green.

As the subject says, do infantry with the dismountable trait count as cavalry or infantry for the purposes of how many red cards you need for a flank march?

List Queries / Sohei Warrior Monk Grading
« on: March 14, 2022, 03:16:18 AM »
I'm putting together a Sohei list and I noticed that regular warrior monks are graded as poor, while the armored and firearm versions are average. What's the justification for this? I can understand the unprotected status, but what's the justification for making them bad fighters?

List Queries / Kingdom of Pagan Militia Replacement
« on: January 31, 2022, 12:12:25 AM »
So first off, I know close to nothing about the military history of Burma, so please excuse my ignorance if this question has an obvious answer! In the Kingdom of Pagan list it has a unit called "Replace militia spearmen" Which over regular militia spearmen are protected, lose short spear, and gain devastating charger. I didn't see anything in the troop notes about these guys, what do they represent?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Basing Dismountable Infantry
« on: January 01, 2022, 07:30:07 PM »
I'm planning on building a Cyrenean Greek army with chariot mounted dismountable hoplites and I had some questions about how to base them: The rulebook says "mounted infantry should have a cavalry sized horse holder base behind every two infantry bases or have other acceptable mounted bases (or markers) provided" Does that mean on a 2 wide 6 base TUG of Hoplites It would look like this? How do other players base dismountable Infantry?

I=Infantry C=Chariot

I         I
I         I
I         I

List Queries / Cyrenean Greek Chariot Date
« on: December 24, 2021, 04:02:22 AM »
This isn't really so much a rules query as a historical clarification. According to the list Cyrenean Greeks can use chariot units until 275BCE. However it appears that the ability to take dismountable hoplites on chariots is not limited to 275BCE. Did they continue to use chariots for transportation past 275BCE?

Player Discussion / QRS sheets removed from website?
« on: August 08, 2021, 10:52:10 PM »
I notice that the only QRS sheet on the website appears to be the French one, any reason for that? I liked having the Pacto and Maximus QRS's available, my paper copy is getting worn out. Did it get moved somewhere else?

List Queries / Roman manipular formation
« on: July 19, 2021, 05:57:47 PM »
Has anyone tried the Checkerboard formation with Republican Romans in Meg? It seems you would lose a lot of TUGs having your worst troops up front. Also how do you manage block moves? Do you just have the corners touching?

List Queries / Classical Greek Citizen Hoplites
« on: May 15, 2021, 03:19:40 PM »
Fairly simple question? I see that the classical Greek list says "replace citizen hoplites with" and then goes on to list a few units. If I take the replacement units do I still have to take the minimum number of Citizen Hoplites?

List Queries / Mounted Devastating Charge Cost
« on: May 14, 2021, 12:46:58 AM »
I'm curious about how Devastating charger is costed, because it seems like a weaker rule for mounted units than infantry, (max of +1 bonus for mounted, pikes and long spears are much more common than charging lancers) but it seems, percentage wise, to cost the same mounted and unmounted(mounted pays more in hard numbers). For example, formed loose average protected infantry cost 60 without, 70 with, a 16% increase, and formed loose average protected cavalry cost 80 without, 93 with, also 16%. It seems like the cavalry pays too much for a worse ability?

Modelling and Eye Candy / 28mm Hawaiian Project
« on: May 11, 2021, 05:18:33 PM »
I've started building a Hawaiian Pacto force( my friend is starting aztecs and I thought it'd be a good force to face them, thematically if not historically) and I wanted to show my progress.

First command:



"1.3. Other cavalry, camelry or chariot are TuGs that are missile focused (i.e. have a missile weapon and skilled, unskilled) may choose to run away or skirmish or choose to stand and recieve (and may choose to shoot at chargers if they stand)."

My question is, is it supposed to say "...Other cavalry, camelry or chariot TuGs that are missile focused..."


is it supposed to say "...Other cavalry, camelry or chariot or TuGs that are missile focused..."?

So the M14 Double move states that the UG takes two consecutive green or white moves. Here's where it gets silly: Double move is a green move for SUGs. Is there anywhere where it states that a SUG cannot double move into two double moves, into four double moves, etc....? I'm assuming the intention is not to give SUGs infinite movement outside of 4BW from enemies correct?

Player Discussion / Question about Ambushes
« on: May 07, 2021, 09:50:51 PM »
So for Ambushes, my impression is you place the ambush card in vision blocking terrain and place a note under it stating what it contains, if anything. My question is, isn't my opponent going to know what the Ambushes contain by what I haven't placed on the table? Or is the assumption that they haven't seen my army list?

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