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Topics - DylanB

Pages: [1]
MeG Fantasy / Old Hammer Armies
« on: March 07, 2021, 02:53:44 PM »
My friends revived Warmaster recently and we played a few games on Tabletop Simulator. 

I found myself thinking "well, this is ok, but I wish it was MeG."

Seems like the Old Hammer world would be a good target market for Fantasy MeG.  Many people have existing armies both in 10mm Warmaster and larger scales.

Has anyone tried or is anyone actively working on adapting (in a non-intellectual property infringing way of course) old hammer armies lists for Fantasy Meg?



Rules Queries and Clarifications / Active Player on Turn One
« on: September 02, 2020, 02:17:41 AM »
I'm sure this is temporary blindness on my part and maybe the dumbest question on this forum, but I can not find anything in the rule book it where it states who the active player is on the first turn. 

Primarily for the sake of my sanity, can someone tell me where to find it in the compendium edition?

We've been playing it as the invader is the active player on turn one, but that could easily be something I imported or transposed from 30+ years of other rules and games that are in my head. 

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