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Topics - Brucka

Pages: [1]
Magna / Unit width- elephants.
« on: March 11, 2023, 05:10:48 AM »
Looking at a Numidian Army to round out my Carthaginian Wars battles. Can the 2 elephants be placed side by side as one unit, or do they have to be one behind the other? Thanks!

List Queries / Mid Republican Roman
« on: November 21, 2022, 07:25:07 PM »
A little confused about Romans from the Mid Republican Roman list. Am I correct: 2 bases of Hastati in the front rank, 2 bases of Principes in the next rank then one Triari behind that. Does that Triari have to spend a card to change which file it is behind?  Not quite Magna, but in Maximus would the 6 unit Romans be in three ranks, or two, or can you choose? Thank you!

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Charges and Responses
« on: April 25, 2022, 05:25:11 AM »
Could not find this in the rules - a note on the section would be welcomed.
A unit that is charged in the flank that is already in combat - can it skrimish or run away from this new threat (assuming it is of that type that usually may)?
Thank you!

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Pacto (and probably others too)
« on: April 18, 2022, 08:00:22 PM »
Floating Generals:
Cannot ever send commands to any units, even paying an extra colored card, correct?
Cannot fight in any combat?

I had a cavalry unit attack the flank of a chariot TUG. The Chariot was also engaged to it's front.  On the next turn an enemy infantry TUG declared a charge on the cavalry unit. This would hit the cavalry in flank.  Assuming the Cavalry was missile focused, can it run away from a flank charge if already engaged or does it need to take it's lumps?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Pacto Charges
« on: March 26, 2022, 06:16:34 AM »
I have 3 TUGS adjacent to each other. The center and left unit is an average loose Egyptian Javelin, the right unit is a devastating charge Gasgan  mercenary. The center unit is engaged with a Hittite Chariot (2 bases). In the charge phase can the Gasgan charge the Hittite chariot (frontally as did not start on flank),by turning 90 or so degrees? They do start the turn in corner to corner contact and I am using the other javelin as support . Just something that has not come up for me before. Thanks for the help.

List Queries / Villanovan Etruscans
« on: March 09, 2021, 11:54:46 PM »
How are Etruscan Axemen (which, according to a book I have, seems to say they were around during the time of Lars Porsenna) [Gil Eserciti Etruschi, Ivo Fossati] depicted in MeG? Would it be like the Egyptian Heavy Axemen (Short Spear) or the Viking (2H Cut-Crush)?  Would they be their own unit or incorporated into a larger unit of infantry? Don't read Italian, so cannot tell if they were skirmishers-forlorn hope, or have their own units or attached to spears. Thanks for any help.

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Pesky Egyptians (PACTO)
« on: March 03, 2021, 06:19:54 PM »
The New Kingdom Egyptian bow and spear infantry are allowed to interpenetrate each other. One of their special abilities:
"Close fighters and close fighters with heavy axe may interpenetrate drilled Archers and vice versa in the same or opposite direction"
My question is are they:
1. Able to do this automatically as a reaction to a charge?
2. Only by spending an order in their own movement phase?
3. Or both?
[They cannot do it in the melee phase, because, PACTO, and not sure you can move units out of combat anyway].

1.  Can a unit charge into an ongoing melee? How is the combat done - does the chargee chose to fight against either the charger in the charge phase or against the ongoing melee opponent in the melee phase? Or something else? [Both attacking units are to the front facing].
We are in the last turn. and this melee will probably decide the game.
2. Are generals' locations and movements pretty fluid? If they spend the Green card can they advance from a unit's front or flank facing and attach to the unit by being placed behind the file? I had a general find himself behind the front lines when his unit was broken and needed to get back to other units in his command.
Thank you, with these answered I think we have sussed how to play and future games should go much faster!  :)

Sorry, could not find in rules.
1.A SUG runs away from a charge, but directly behind are two TUGs and a general. Does the SUG get placed where the general is, or is it destroyed because it can't clear all units.. or other?
2. A 1 base chariot is destroyed  (takes 2 wounds or a skull), does it do a rout move? Would units pursue this chariot?
3. In movement phase can a TUG move directly adjacent and touching an enemy unit, either with both bases or a one base overlap, or does it stop on edge to edge contact?
          A B
Thank you for any clarifications, thrilled to get some of my Biblicals painted and fighting after almost 30 years of laying unused. :)

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Pacto Chariot Question
« on: September 22, 2020, 04:24:19 AM »
So, in Pacto, with one base units, such as chariots and elephants, one wound and they are broken immediately?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Triari
« on: September 22, 2020, 04:21:00 AM »
Can Triari from different legions band together to form TUGs - for instance. in Pacto, where you have 8 Hastati/Principes bases (4 TUGs) can you form the Triari into a 2 base unit -ergo, in Magna 16 bases forming a TUG of 4 Triari? Thank you!

I am waiting for the rules to show up in the US. In the meantime am trying to figure out how to represent Integral shooters in Pacto (doing Middle Assyrian) - do I put a couple of bowmen in the rear ranks, a whole base in the front or rear, or add a skirmish base of bowmen to the back (or front)? Trying to see if I have some figures to spare or if I need to order more. Thanks for any help.

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