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Messages - sppenn

Pages: [1] 2 3
MeG USA / Re: US MeG Player Roll Call
« on: September 14, 2023, 05:16:22 AM »
I'm in the Dallas, TX area.  Recently moved here and have several painted armies.  Used to play MeG a few years ago.  Even hosted a game at Historicon a few years ago; recreated the Battle of Catalaunian Fields.     

MeG USA / Re: Positive Aftermath?
« on: July 26, 2023, 07:07:13 PM »
Wow, that's fantastic. 

I used to attend Historicon every year, but recently moved to Texas.  Couldn't make it this year; wish I had though. 

Love MeG.  Really like the way it differentiates command and control among ancient armies.  Let's hope it takes off in the US.

MeG USA / Positive Aftermath?
« on: July 26, 2023, 02:37:58 PM »
Any Historicon attendees here?

Curious if there are any testimonials from playing MeG at Historicon this year.   I wasn't able to make it, but I'm hoping that it had a big splash and generated some interest. 

Player Discussion / Re: Playing MeG remotely
« on: October 29, 2021, 06:43:10 PM »
Has anyone used Tabletop Simulator to play MeG?  Just curious.  I have not. 

MeG USA / Re: Barrage Wargaming Convention
« on: August 07, 2021, 01:41:24 PM »
I checked their website this morning (8/7) and have a few games listed.  A lot of "The Sword and the Flame."  One ancients game.  Haven't seen a tournament listed yet.  The games on the website do look like fun. 

MeG USA / Re: US MeG Player Roll Call
« on: May 31, 2021, 02:55:05 PM »

What part of Maryland?  I'm in Frederick. 


MeG USA / Barrage Wargaming Convention
« on: May 05, 2021, 07:26:55 PM »
Anyone going to Barrage this year?  It's in Havre de Grace, Maryland in September. 


MeG USA / Re: Historicon Events?
« on: April 20, 2021, 08:55:29 PM »
I would love to attend Historicon in November.  However, I still need to get a vaccination and figure out my fall semester schedule.  Until I know that I'm going to attend the game convention, I hesitate to say what I prefer.  Having said that, if I do attend I truly don't care if its pacto, magna, maximus, or even Grandeosous Universalis...whatever!  As long as I'm rolling dice and pushing lead, I will be happy. 

MeG USA / Re: Historicon Moved to November
« on: April 10, 2021, 01:26:51 PM »
Ah, I see you point.  Your idea gives a lot of flexibility to players to choose different formats.  I think Simon's plan was to teach MeG to as many players as possible using Pacto since it is a shorter game.  Both are good goals to have at a convention.   

MeG USA / Re: Historicon Moved to November
« on: April 09, 2021, 01:07:45 PM »
Yes, it's an old post.  Still a good plan though and worth considering, at least some aspects of it.  It would be great if Simon could attend Historicon this year. 

MeG USA / Re: Historicon Moved to November
« on: April 08, 2021, 01:27:02 PM »
In the Tournaments section of this discussion forum, Simon posted his plan.  The title of the post is "HISTORICON 2021 - well worth a group outing!" 

MeG USA / Historicon Moved to November
« on: March 24, 2021, 02:35:07 PM »
Hi Everyone,

Just received this email message from HMGS (the organization that runs the game convention Historicon.)



As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced HMGS to cancel a year's worth of conventions. Last year, the pandemic restrictions and the cut back in operations at the Lancaster County Convention Center and attached Marriott hotel resulted in the cancellation of Historicon 2020. This was the first time in our history that we were forced to cancel a convention. At the time, everyone understood the gravity of the pandemic and the reasoning behind our decision.

As I previously communicated, the health and safety of our attendees will always come first. Many of our attendees are in high risk categories; elderly, with underlying health problems. This is not something to take lightly.

Now it is one year later, and the current restrictions in Pennsylvania and at the facility once again make it impossible for us to hold Historicon in July 2021. We had extensive - and sometimes exhausting - conversations with the venue to make this work. The main attractions at our conventions are the games, the exhibit hall, and socializing with friends. At the current venue capacity restriction of only 25%, combined with the social distancing requirement of only 3 players per game and significant inter-table space, our games and exhibit hall just don’t work. It makes it impossible for us to hold the type of show that we want; and if we went ahead we run the risk of a significant financial impact due to low attendance.

At the urging of the venue, we delayed our decision as long as possible in the hope for more clarity on when restrictions would be lifted. While we recognize many statistics are trending in a positive direction, we cannot continue to put off this decision any longer. Many people need to start planning now for any potential July convention - exhibitors need to place product orders; attendees need to make travel arrangements and vacation requests from work, etc.

The current environment makes it impossible to run a successful show in July, and further, it could hurt our finances, reputation and future shows as well. Other options, such as a much smaller show, were considered and also deemed not feasible for the cost and effort involved.

The Board wants HMGS' first post-COVID to be something special. Therefore, instead of cancelling Historicon 2021 outright, we are moving it to early November and holding it at Valley Forge in place of Fall-In! We will be adding an extra day to make it the same 4 day convention as would have been held in July. Since Historicon is considered our flagship convention, and we are only holding one convention in 2021 instead of three, we felt it should be Historicon.

We are also well aware of questions regarding membership renewals and possible extensions or credits. For those who already renewed their membership in such a trying year, your support is greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten. All the options discussed so far require us to have some certainty on when our conventions will be restarted. With November looking highly likely to be our first post-COVID convention, details regarding these issues will be addressed very shortly.

Best regards,

John Spiess
President, HMGS Inc.

List Queries / Re: varangians 2 hand cut & crush?
« on: October 20, 2020, 11:15:47 AM »
Dang, it's like he knows this stuff off the top of his head.  I'm going to randomly pick a troop from some obscure army and ask, "Why?"  And everyone gets to place bets on how long it will take to get an answer.   ;D 


Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Points variance - Skirmish units
« on: October 11, 2020, 12:53:03 PM »
Interesting question.  It makes me want to do an experiment with figures.  I'm thinking I will line up a bunch of skirmishers (lots with different shooting weapons) and position them all just within range of a line of enemy close infantry.  The enemy infantry will be in a straight line, but the shooters will be at different distances from the infantry.  Then choose to skirmish or run away on various shooters and see what happens.  I'm guessing the initial distances, max move of the enemy infantry (3 MU) and the skirmish/run away table all interact to produce different results. Then try it again against enemy loose infantry.  Then try again against enemy skirmishers. 

Yeah, I'm sure that would help me understand the game better and further develop my skill at the game.  Maybe I will be ready in time for Historicon.   :D   

Player Discussion / Re: Even battles, and the oddness of figures gaming
« on: September 07, 2020, 01:57:08 PM »
I have always liked GMT's Ancient World series.  Series...well, it only has two games: Rise of the Roman Republic and Carthage.  Each turn is a year and is played in an interactive style - One player moves a stack, then the other player moves a stack and so on until everyone has moved.  Each hex is a little over ten miles across and each strength point is roughly 500 men.  It has leaders, different troop types (cavalry, elephants, etc...)  Different nationalities. I've played it a couple of times with an opponent and several times solitaire.  I think it would make an excellent basis for generating MeG battles. 

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