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Messages - MaxPuster

Pages: [1]
Floating generals can fight.

Using what unit as a base? As I read the rules, generals only offer a bonus grading. Just curious how you decide that...

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Movement into combat?
« on: May 25, 2022, 09:59:30 AM »
"you cannot make contact with an enemy UG through normal prompted movement" is nowhere to be found.

Just had our first game, and we had the same problem. As there was no such statement we just moved into contact.

I know its hidden in a sideruling on P132, but something that basical should be mentioned at the start of the charge-chapter (this is the only way to contact the enemy) or/and the move section (no move into contact, stay 1BW away... along that.

Hiding elemental basics into a rule covering other special cases reminds me of DBMM (which I love, but not for that feature). So just a suggestion for the next edition: make that plain.

Intimidating beautiful, as always with your work  :)

MeG Deutsche / Re: MEG in Deutschland, wer ist dabei?
« on: May 03, 2022, 12:07:56 PM »
I lese mich gerade in die Regeln ein und würde gern auch mal auswärts spielen (vor Ort hätte ich wohl Mitspieler, wenn ich die Armeen mitbringe).

Sitze in Norden - wer also nach Norddeich fährt, kommt hier vorbei. Ansonsten wohl eher leicht am Rande Deutschlands.
Als Armeen in 15mm sind Kelten und Ming verfügbar, bis Maximus.
Gern auch 28mm Pakto mit 2 Monaten Vorlauf zum bemalen.
Bei Interesse einfach mailen.

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