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Messages - marek

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Grate work as ever. Noticed that 3419 , Early Holy Roman Empire misses Magyar as historical enemy, just an oversight I assume.

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Flank charges etc.
« on: September 03, 2023, 10:47:25 AM »
Hi Richard

To clarify the reason the Cavalry could not reach the archers was because we decided the archers could shoot as they cavalry charged first and they inflicted a slow on the Cavalry , who then  ended up  1 HBW from the archers.

In relation to the wheel and charge distance, this is how we played it , and having just re-read the QRS realise i hadn’t read it correctly! The 1HBW refers to unengaged bases of engaged TuGs.

Thanks for the clarification.


Rules Queries and Clarifications / Flank charges etc.
« on: September 02, 2023, 03:16:01 PM »

Played a Pacto game the other night and a couple of things came up. I believe they apply equally as well to Maximus.

1) Some Archers  ( a TuG)found themselves in a position to flank charge a unit of cavalry and declared and declared a charge. The Cavalry were in a position to wheel 90 Deg and charge the archers front to front. The sequence of charges meant that the cavalry wheeled and charged first.

First question is whether the archers get to shoot. They have declared a charge but not actually charged yet. Rightly or wrongly we decided they could. This resulted in one slow to the cavalry who could not then reach the archers.
Second question is that  this being the case would the archers then be compelled to charge on their original line but now into the front of the cavalry ? We decided that they would. It wasn’t a happy outcome for the archers !

Not sure if we got either of these decisions right or wrong.

2) Generally if you are able to wheel 90 deg and charge is the move a wheel and 1HBW (or BW in Maximus) charge or is the limit of movement the normal move. So for close infantry a 90 Deg wheel takes 3HBW in Pacto and that then concludes their move or do they get another  1 HBW. Likewise do loose cavalry get the wheel ( again by our measurement taking 3HBW) and then get 2HBW move or do they only get 1HBW as the QRS would seem to indicate?

Be good to understand this properly.

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Intercept Move
« on: April 21, 2023, 09:18:04 AM »
Thanks for speedy clarification - gald we got it right albeit it ended poorly for me !

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Intercept Move
« on: April 21, 2023, 08:19:22 AM »

Had a situation last night which I think we resolved correctly but would just like to check.

A TuG of formed loose cavalry decalred a charge on an enemy cavalry TuG. An enemy infantry phalanx TuG ( drilled /close) declared an intercept move and placed themselves in the path of the charge.

As the charging TuG and intercepting TuG were both average/protected the factors were +2 in favour of the phalanx. ( looking at it again this morning it should have been +1 but I don't believe that is relevant to my question). The cavalry were javelin armed /short spear.

The question is - do the cavalry have to impale themselves on the pikes or can they stop short ?

Rightly or wrongly we decided that as they would not be disadvantaged by 3+ or more they did have to charge home. I think we got it right but perhaps for the wrong reason !

As the intercept move seems to be quite powerful - if you have the cards - I want to make sure I undertsand it properly.

Grateful for all comments.



Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Combat claims and Loose order
« on: June 05, 2022, 12:54:45 PM »
Thanks for clarifications , just want to check the last point - close order foot will get shove against loose order even if the close order don’t have shove characteristic   - correct

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Combat claims and Loose order
« on: June 05, 2022, 11:40:25 AM »

In playing a game yesterday a few queries arose as follows:

If devastating charger infantry are charged by cavalry do they get the devastating charger claim but suffer the foot not standing to receive claim ? Or do they stand and get neither claim or penalty ( assuming they have not declared a charge themselves)

When charged in the flank my understanding is that all combat claims are used to determine the dice, so devastating chargers would still get the combat claim when charged in the flank , likewise Roman legionnaires would get the impact weapon claim even when charged in the flank . Is this correct ?

Lastly what disadvantage is there for Flexible infantry when operating in loose order , other than if charged by cavalry. I.e Roman legionaries would be at no disadvantage in loose order in open terrain than if they were in close order ( other than if charged by cavalry). Would they be able to claim shield cover ?

Look forward to tidying up these queries ( in my head if nowhere else !)

Player Discussion / Re: Playing MeG remotely
« on: October 29, 2021, 08:06:52 AM »

OK thanks - we will give that a go


Player Discussion / Playing MeG remotely
« on: October 28, 2021, 04:20:56 PM »

Hoping for a bit of advice. A friend and myself started playing remote wargames via Zoom during lockdown, and as we live some distance apart, have carried this on, as well as in person games, as that way we get more games. This works fine when using a diced based C&C system, eg Hail Caesar, but we are going to start using MeG and are just wondering how we can deal (pardon the pun) with  the cards. We are both equipped with sets but dealing from independent decks would skew the card availability. Same for both so maybe not an issue. Any thoughts or advice welcome.

Player Discussion / Re: Basing
« on: October 11, 2021, 05:25:46 PM »

OK thanks that is a great help - have to rebase my cavalry anyway - but only because I got it wrong in the first place even for HC ! Thankfully I have Republican Romans and Late Macedonians so a lot more infantry than cavalry !


Player Discussion / Basing
« on: October 11, 2021, 11:34:08 AM »

Another newby here with questions on basing. My armies are based for Hail Caesar rules in 15 mm. Essentially for close order infantry I have 3 figures on a 30 mm wide base, which is consistent with 4 on a 40 mm wide base. However that makes my standard base width 30 mm rather than 40 mm. Will this be a problem with the rules at all. At this point I am gaming with friends using my armies so the basing is consistent for both sides ?

Any and all advice welcome !

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