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Messages - Ambiorix

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
List Queries / Re: Proposal for Elephant Mounted Generals
« on: December 23, 2023, 11:10:06 PM »
Not sure why or how the proposal for Elephant Mounted Generals surfaced again but
as I stated a few years ago, a General as a person will have little impact on the performance of other elephants (besides inspiring the other mahouts to control their pachyderms better). However, Generals in South East Asian ‘Elephant’ Armies, did ride on a special selected huge dominant male elephant which musk and behavior (steered by the General’s mahout) did have an effect on performance of the rest of the hurdle of elephants.  So making the case that (only) a General on a leading elephant can have a positive effect on other elephants in combat seems historic…  ;)

List Queries / Re: Samurai lists - Barricades
« on: June 25, 2023, 12:33:19 PM »
I agree that Obstacles better simulate the Nagashino fences.

However, the Japanese also used wooden Pavises, maybe an option as well to consider?

List Queries / Japanese lists
« on: June 25, 2023, 12:24:04 PM »
For my understanding, all 3 Japanese lists can have Murakami Clan allies and it specifically states in the coloured line ‘ MIXED TuG of 1/3 samurai (…) and TUG of ½ samurai’ (…)’ 
Is this difference intended, as the special rule states : Samurai in MIXED TuGs may only shoot in one rank. So does it mean it can shoot in 2 ranks if TUG of ½  samurai ?

Also I noticed there are no skirmishers in the list, is this an oversight ?  FYI, the Takeda Screen show Samurai Archers ahead of the Ashigaru Archers, operate some distance from the main body as 'skirmishers', acting as sharpshooters and snipers.

Thx for the clarification.

Rules Queries and Clarifications / PB against SUG
« on: January 11, 2023, 08:47:26 PM »

PB seems to get an advantage against mtd SUG.
But if so, I do not understand the rationale.
PB have a longer range and are better at penetrating armour but it
also has a lower rate of fire, so why is this better against skirmishers
than other bows ?
Thx for the explanation.

ok THX for the Slowing Effects - clear now to me.
Not sure I understand your expression on the KAB, I presume no extra KAB for guns when (only) shooting in support...


- p184 states Art causes extra slowing effect : so does this means the slowing effect is not limited to 3 BW ?  If I hit twice with
  Xbow and twice with the Gun, do I cause a 6 BW slowing effect ?

Bad example, imagine 2 BWg with guns causing 8 hits (4 'S')  against 2 wide enemy - is the enemy slowed down by 7 BW (3+extra 4) or is 4 BW the max ?

2 more questions when shooting with a BWg TUG consisting of 1 Xbow and 1 Gun :

- p184 states Art causes extra slowing effect : so does this means the slowing effect is not limited to 3 BW ?  If I hit twice with
  Xbow and twice with the Gun, do I cause a 6 BW slowing effect ?

- if a charge on the BWg (in column) hits the 2 BW of Xbow but not the Gun BW (the latter only fire as support during the
  charge), does this still qualify for the extra KAB test?

Thx for your responses,

A battlewagon is treated as 2 files (1 for each BW of frontage) for combat.  A file in combat cannot shoot but  the file not in combat (or as a supporting file) is eligible to shoot.  Indeed it can shoot in both directions (as any 2BW of the long edges of a battlewagon can shoot).

Yes a BWg can fight as a supporting file.  It is when fighting against troops with Barricades that you cannot claim a supporting file.


Yes, the rules for shooting state only 'files' not Bases.
but didnt realize BWg gives support as overlap.
Still have a lot to learn on using BWg :)

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Warwagon as target
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:59:55 PM »
euh... not sure I understand all your acronyms ...  maybe because I am not a native speaker ?

So if no cover/benefit while moving WW, why did they bother to protect their horses with wooden panels and men staying inside
during move...

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Warwagon as target
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:23:05 PM »
cover in wagons is the same, regardless of them being in battle array or not, no ?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Warwagon as target
« on: December 09, 2022, 04:05:33 PM »
Ah - ok, so was an oversight, that is why a new pair of fresh eyes always helps, ignorant of the past :).

@Nik, why limit to Column, surely in Line they are still 'covered' inside their wagons ?

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Warwagon as target
« on: December 08, 2022, 10:21:06 AM »

Sorry for my ignorance, as I never used or faced a WW in MEG yet.
Does it has cover if shot at (like barricades) ?
Seems logic (at first glance) but is not explicitly mentioned in the rules I believe.

Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Break 0ff - Fleet of foot
« on: December 06, 2022, 10:42:26 PM »
UGs with Fleet of Foot cannot break off from an equivalent unit without fleet of foot - because Fleet of Foot movement distance DOES NOT count for break-offs.

this i do not understand, so foot UG's with fleet of foot can never break off from other foot UG's without fleet of foot?
is this correct ?

Yes they can, but count as equal speed in that case (if tribal however, than it is not possible - as explained by LawrenceG above).

List Queries / Allies commanded by Sub general
« on: December 05, 2022, 05:15:19 PM »

According to the list, the Late Med Polish army can have a Lithuanian Ally but is commanded by a Sub (not Ally) general).  As I am not 100% sure of all its implications, can you indicate which of the following statements are true or false (no, it is not a quiz or test  :)) :

1.   Lit. contingent conform to all rules of Allied troops (2-4 UGs, at least 50% of min…)
2.   Lit.  Subgen must be of same type (Prof. or Instinctive) as main Late Polish Army
3.   Pol. Army Cdr can also command troops of Lit. ‘Ally’
4.   Prof Pol Army Cdr can gift cards to Prof Lit. ‘Ally’ Subgen


Rules Queries and Clarifications / Re: Break 0ff - Fleet of foot
« on: December 04, 2022, 08:55:03 PM »
ok, so we played it correctly, just wanted to make sure :).
Even if humans can never outrun EL (especially when wearing Swiss armour)  :P

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